primer Rezidenca Maistrova
Diplomska naloga izpostavlja samoorganizirano ne-galerijsko produkcijo v Mariboru. Ta predstavlja relevantno neinstitucionalizirano področje, ki vsaj v neki meri omogoča neodvisno delovanje umetnikov in kuratorjev. Izhodišče za raziskovanje omenjenega področja je predstavljal kuratorsko-umetniški kolektiv Rezidenca Maistrova (RM). Produkcija in načini delovanja RM so narekovali teoretski okvir diplomske naloge, ki opredeljuje nekatere ključne pojme s področja sodobne umetnosti: vloga kuratorja, odnos in bližina vloge kuratorja in umetnika ter posledično medijev razstave in instalacije, opredelitev zgodovine in značilnosti lokacijsko specifične umetnosti ter pomen razstavnega konteksta. Na konkretnih primerih "umetniških situacij" RM - Art blast from the past, Avtoportretni akt, Ilustrat, Toaletni projekt in (Ne)galerijski prostor GT22 - je bil dodatno razdelan vpliv ne-galerijskega prostora na samo produkcijo. Skozi delovanje RM je bil izpostavljen status razstave, ki sega onkraj ozko osredotočene prezentacije umetniških del. Opredeljeno je bilo razmerje med umetnikom, umetniškim delom in kuratorjem ter vzporedno problematizirano vprašanje avtorstva v kontekstu sodobne umetnosti. Zaključni del zapisa nakaže kontinuiteto z mariborsko samoorganizirano produkcijo od devetdesetih let dalje ter izpostavi njeno relevantnost in neopravičeno zapostavljenost v širšem teoretskem in umetnostnozgodovinskem kontekstu.
diplomska dela;Rezidenca Maistrova;samoorganizacija;sodobna umetnost;alternativa;galerijski prostor;ne-galerijski prostor;prostorsko specifično kuriranje;umetnik-kurator;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2016 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM PEF - Faculty of Education |
Publisher: |
[L. Smodiš] |
UDC: |
7:069(043.2) |
Views: |
1125 |
Downloads: |
73 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Self-organized cultural production in Maribor: case study Maistrova Residency |
Secondary abstract: |
This bachelor's degree thesis highlights the self-organised exhibition production in non-gallery spaces in Maribor. This production is a relevant non-institutionalized field, which, at least to some degree, allows the independent operation of artists and curators. The starting point for exploring the afore mentioned field was the curatorial and artistic collective Rezidenca Maistrova (The Maistrova Residency; abbreviated MR). The production strategies and operating principles of MR dictated the theoretical framework of the thesis, which defines some of the key concepts of contemporary art: the role of the curator, the relationship and proximity between the roles of the curator and the artist and consequentially between the media of exhibition and installation, the definition of the history and characteristics of site-specific art and the importance of the exhibition context. The influence of the non-gallery space on exhibition production was further developed through specific cases of "artistic situations" made by MR - Art blast from the past, Self-portrait Nude, Ilustrat, Toilet project and (Non)gallery space GT22. MR's activities also expose the status of the exhibition, which transcends/surpasses the limited focus of simply presenting artworks. The thesis defines the relationship between artist, artwork and curator and consequently problematizes also the question of authorship in the context of contemporary art. The final part of the thesis suggests a continuity with Maribor's self-organised production dating back to the '90s and exposes its relevancy and the inexcusable marginalisation of this topic in the broader theoretical and art historical discourse. |
Secondary keywords: |
theses;The Maistrova Residency;self-organization;contemporary art;alternative;gallery space;non-gallery space;site specific curating;artist-curator; |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za likovno umetnost |
Pages: |
100 f. |
ID: |
9154748 |