magistrsko delo Kadrovski management, Splošni kadrovski management
V postmoderni družbi se pripisuje vodenju velik pomen, ker se povezuje vodenje in različne stile vodenja z uspešnostjo in učinkovitostjo podjetij. V nalogi razumemo podjetje kot obliko gospodarske družbe, ki se ukvarja s proizvodno in storitveno dejavnostjo. Posebna oblika podjetij so družinska podjetja, ki so tudi zaradi nedorečene definicije manj pogosto predmet znanstvenega proučevanja.
V magistrskem delu smo proučevali stile vodenja v tistih izbranih slovenskih družinskih podjetjih, ki so bila regijski nominiranci v izboru za zlato, srebrno in bronasto gazelo Slovenije med leti 2011 in 2015. Cilj naloge je bil ugotoviti, kako direktorji omenjenih podjetij sprejemajo odločitve in kako vodijo zaposlene. Posebej so nas zanimale oblike komunikacije, lastnosti vodij, ki jih pri njih prepoznajo njihovi zaposleni, in vpliv stilov vodenja na učinkovitost podjetja.
Rezultati raziskave so pokazali sledeče. Intervjuvani direktorji prepuščajo zaposlenim večjo samostojnost na operativnem nivoju, ker se tako poveča njihova odgovornost in pripadnost podjetju. Na strateški ravni pa le redko prepustijo odločanje zaposlenim, ki niso družinski člani, ker menijo da je to izključno v njihovi pristojnosti. V raziskovanih podjetjih zaposlene večinoma aktivno vključujejo v sodelovanje pri določanju delovnih ciljev. Direktorji naloge delegirajo ustno, ker so odnosi med njim in zaposlenim neformalni. Intervjuvanci prepoznavajo ustno komunikacijo kot bolj osebno in pristno. Sestanke imajo v majhnih skupinah in po potrebi, ker menijo da so le-ti izguba časa. Direktorji se zavedajo vpliva različnih stilov vodenja na učinkovitost podjetja. Večina intervjuvancev svojega stila vodenja ni spremenila, ker se jim ne zdi potrebno uvajati sprememb dokler ima podjetje primerno rast. Redki, ki so spremenili stil vodenja, pa so ga zaradi hitre rasti podjetja ali osebnih razlogov.
družinsko podjetništvo;management;vodenje;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2016 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences |
Publisher: |
[J. Mihelič] |
UDC: |
005 |
Views: |
1651 |
Downloads: |
363 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Leadership characteristics in family business |
Secondary abstract: |
In the postmodern society leadership has a significant role due to the relationship between leadership as well as different leadership styles and their association with enterprise efficiency and effectiveness. In the thesis an enterprise is understood as a form of doing business, which takes part in production and service activities. A special type of enterprises are family business, which are seldom the subject of scientific studies due to their vague definition.
In the thesis we studied leadership styles in selected Slovenian family business, which were regional nominees in the selection for the gold, silver and bronze Gazela award for fast growing enterprises between the years 2011 and 2015. The aim of the study was to establish how managers of these business make decisions and manage employees. We were especially interested in different forms of communication, the characteristics of leader as recognized by their employees, as well as the influence of their leadership styles on enterprise effectiveness.
Results of the study have shown the following. The interviewed managers give their employees greater autonomy at the operational level, which in return increases their responsibility and loyalty to the enterprise. But at the strategical level the decision-making process is only seldom left to those employees, who are not family members due to the belief that decision making should only be performed inside the family itself. The studied enterprises often actively include employees in the cooperation for designating operational goals. Managers delegate the tasks verbally, because the relationships between them and their employees are informal. The interviewed group recognize verbal communication as more personal in nature and thus more genuine. Meetings are held in small groups and when they are truly necessary, due to the belief that meetings essentially represent a loss in time. Managers are aware of the effects of different leadership styles on enterprise effectiveness. Most of the interviewees did not change their leadership style because they believe that implementing changes is not necessary as long as the enterprise has an adequate growth rate. Those, which have changed their leadership style, remain few in numbers, and have only done so due to the fast growth rate of the enterprise or other personal reasons. |
Secondary keywords: |
family entrepreneurship;management;leadership;leadership styles;enterprise efficiency; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede |
Pages: |
98 str. |
ID: |
9156760 |