[magistrsko delo]
Jelka Rakun (Author), Bojan Škof (Mentor)


Pri obravnavanju področja plač zaposlenih v visokem šolstvu, ki je urejeno z nekaj posebnostmi, se bom v magistrskem delu oprla na ustavno določilo, ki ureja avtonomnost državne univerze. V zvezi s tem bom predstavila položaj zaposlenih na področju visokega šolstva in ugotovila ali gre za pravilno umestitev zaposlenih na državni univerzi v okviru javnega sektorja. Pri samem področju plač je namreč potrebno upoštevati splošna delovnopravna določila z upoštevanimi posebnostmi, ki veljajo za akademsko osebje in imajo ti v okviru svoje delovne obremenitve določene normative. Ti normativi so v slovenskem visokošolskem prostoru določeni v specialnem zakonu, ki ureja področje delovanja visokega šolstva in napotuje visokošolske zavode k sprejemu svojih določil. Pri tem se zastavlja vprašanje koliko je posamezni visokošolski zavod pri tem avtonomen, da navedeno lahko uredi v svojih internih aktih in kako te normative upošteva pri sklenitvi delovnega razmerja, ki so seveda podlaga za izračun plače.


davčno pravo;avtonomnost univerze;visoko šolstvo;javni sektor;plača akademskega osebja;delovna obremenitev;pokrivanje plač;magistrske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [J. Rakun]
UDC: 336.225.622(043.3)
COBISS: 5207595 Link will open in a new window
Views: 712
Downloads: 96
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Funding problems of salaries, reimbursements and allowances in higher education area
Secondary abstract: In addressing the areas of employee salaries in higher education, which is regulated by some specifics, this thesis will rely on the constitutional provision governing the autonomy of the state universities. In this regard I will present the position of employees in the field of higher education and determine whether the staff at the State University within the public sector are positioned correctly. In the field of salaries is necessary to take into account the general provisions of Labo(u)r Law considering the specifics that apply to academic staff who have certain norms as part of their workload. In Slovenian higher education these norms are set out in the special law governing the scope of higher education and refer institutions within higher education to accept their own provisions. This raises the question of autonomy of these institutions and their ability to settle the above mentioned in their internal rules and also the question of how these norms are taken into account when concluding an employment relationship, which, of course, are the basis for calculating salaries.
Secondary keywords: tax law;autonomy of universities;higher education;public sector;salary of academic staff;workload;covering salaries;master thesis;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Pages: VII, 120 str.
ID: 9157119