magistrsko delo
Toni Čančar (Author), Tomo Cerovšek (Mentor)


Magistrska naloga obravnava okoljski vpliv stanovanjskih stavb na osnovi ogljičnega odtisa in vgrajene energije. V okviru magistrske naloge sem preučeval parametre okoljskega trajnostnega vidika za štiri konstrukcijske različice družinske stavbe. Za stavbo v različnih izvedbah (AB, opeka, jeklo in les) sem primerjal porabo energije in sproščanje emisij toplogrednih plinov skozi življenjski cikel stavbe. Predstavil sem oceno življenjskega cikla stanovanjske stavbe s pomočjo BIM modelirnika. Na začetku magistrskega dela sem predstavil problematiko globalnega segrevanja in pomembno vlogo trajnostne gradnje. Na kratko sem opisal metodologijo LCA, ki se uporablja za oceno vpliva izdelkov in objektov na okolje. V nadaljevanju sem prikazal obravnavano stavbo in njene različne izvedbe. Za posamezno različico objekta sem izdelal informacijske modele stavbe (BIM) v BIM modelirniku ArchiCAD. Pri delu sem uporabil računalniški program ArchiCAD in vtičnik Ecodesigner STAR, ki sem jih prav tako predstavil. Prikazal in opisal sem energetsko analizo BIM modela s pomočjo omenjenih računalniških programov. Iz ArchiCAD-a sem pridobil podatke o porabi energije stavbe in sproščenih emisijah CO2, ki so pomembni podatki za oceno življenjskega cikla objekta. Predstavil sem izračun ogljičnega odtisa oziroma vgrajene emisije in vgrajeno energijo za posamezen model. Podatke o ogljičnem odtisu materialov sem pridobil iz ICE podatkovne baze in knjižnice materialov v programu ArchiCAD. Po preučenih pomembnih fazah življenjskega cikla sem na koncu naloge prikazal primerjavo ogljičnega odtisa posameznih izvedb stavbe. V sklepnem delu sem podal končne ugotovitve in sklepe na osnovi izvedenega magistrskega dela.


gradbeništvo;magistrska dela;ArchiCAD;BIM;Ecodesigner;trajnostna gradnja;ogljični odtis;vgrajena energija;globalno segrevanje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [T. Čančar]
UDC: 004:699.86(043.3)
COBISS: 7524705 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2399
Downloads: 617
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Use of BIM for parametric analysis of selected environmental sustainability aspects of buildings
Secondary abstract: Master thesis addresses to ecological aspect of building’s sustainability, based on carbon footprint and embodied energy. Within the thesis are studied parameters of environmental aspect of sustainability for four different variants of a residential building. For different variants of the building (reinforced concrete, clay brick, structural steel and wood) are compared energy consumption and release of GHG emissions throughout the whole life cycle of the building. There is also demonstrated life cycle analysis with a BIM software. At the beginning of the master thesis there are introduced the issues of the global warming and the importance of sustainable design. Followed by the short description of LCA methodology, which is used for an assessment of products and objects on environment. Further on there is introduced the building and its variants. There are made BIM models for each building variant, which are executed by using BIM software ArchiCAD. For various simulations and calculations is used ArchiCAD and its plugin Ecodesigner STAR, which are also presented within the thesis. Process of energy analysis is described in details. Obtained data of energy consumption and released emissions is used for a life-cycle assessment. That is followed by the presentation of calculated carbon footprint (embodied carbon) and embodied energy of a particular building variant. Input data of material’s carbon footprint is obtained from ICE database and ArchiCAD’s material library. After studied important phases of the building’s life-cycle there is shown a comparison of carbon footprint for different variants. At the end there are given some final conclusions of conducted study.
Secondary keywords: civil engineering;master of science thesis;AchiCAD;BIM;sustainable design;Ecodesigner;carbon footprint;embodied carbon;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XVII, 151 str., 9 pril.
ID: 9159104