diplomski projekt
Saška Šegula (Author), Romana Korez-Vide (Mentor)


Za poslovna pogajanja se najpogosteje odločimo zaradi drugačnih interesov dveh strani. Dober pogajalec mora znati predvsem poslušati, biti iznajdljiv, toda nikoli preveč popustljiv. Informacije in čas imajo pomembno vlogo. Ključna je dobra predhodna priprava, nato razprava in dajanje predlogov. Vedeti moramo kako nasprotno stran prepričati, da so naše rešitve boljše. Vsak pogajalec se odloči pogajati z drugačno taktiko. Čeprav želimo nasprotni strani postaviti ekstremne zahteve, jo slepiti ali se sklicevati na avtoriteto, se moramo v vsako taktiko najprej vživeti in razmisliti s katero bo zagotovljen uspeh. Mednarodni pogajalec mora znati več tujih jezikov, ker se bo srečeval z različnimi kulturami. Če se zna soočiti z drugačnim obnašanjem in načini pogajanja je uspeh zagotovljen. Mednarodni pogajalec se lahko pogaja z agresivnim, popustljivim, pasivnim, hladnokrvnim, zastrašujočim, trdovratnim ali tveganim slogom. Osredotočili smo se na poslovna pogajanja Italije in Indije. Italijani čas pred pogajanji dobro izkoristijo. Veliko jim pomeni, če njihovo kulturo predhodno dobro spoznamo. Pogajajo se počasi, premišljeno, vendar velikokrat niso prepričani vase. Do nasprotnika so iskreni, nikoli ničesar ne skrivajo. V družinskem življenju se naučijo stabilnosti, kar se prenese na pogajanja. V Indiji pomeni pogajanje vsakdanje opravilo in veščina, ki jo obvlada že skoraj vsak odrasel človek. Ena izmed njihovih najpomembnejših lastnosti je razmišljanje, ki jih privede do uporabnih idej in rešitev. Besede jemljejo velikokrat preveč osebno, redno preverjajo informacije nasprotnika. Radi se pogajajo z ljudmi, ki imajo večletne pogajalske izkušnje.


poslovna pogajanja;medkulturna pogajanja;medkulturna komunikacija;Italija;Indija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [S. Šegula]
UDC: 005.574:316.72(450:540)
COBISS: 12573724 Link will open in a new window
Views: 676
Downloads: 76
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Business negotiations in selected European and Asian culture
Secondary abstract: Because of the different interests of two sides we often decide for business negotiations. A good negotiator must know how to listen, be inventive but never too indulgent. Informations and time have important role. The key is in a good preliminary preparation, discussion and also in giving proposals. We must know how to convince opposite side that our solutions are better. Every negotiator decides to negotiate with different tactic. Although we want to place extreme demands to the opposite side, to blind them or to refer to authority, we must first settle in with every tactic and think about which one will ensure us success. The international negotiator must know more foreign languages because he will be meeting with different cultures. If he knows how to confront with different behaviors and manners of negotiation then the success is ensured. The international negotiator can negotiate with aggressive, indulgent, passive, cold-blooded, alarming, obstinate or risky style. We concentrated on business negotiations in Italy and India. Italians utilize time very well even before negotiations. It means a lot to them to introduce their culture to us. They negotiate slowly, deliberately but a lot of times they aren't very sure about themselves. They are very sincere to the other side and they have nothing to hide. They learn stability in family life which is trasmitted to negotiations. In India negotiation is an everyday task and skill that restrains almost every adult person. One from among their most important characteristics is thinking which leads them to useful ideas and solutions. A lot of times they are taking words too personally and they regularly check information of an adversary. They like to negotiate with people that have multiyear negotiating experiences.
Secondary keywords: business negotiations;international business negotiations;culture;Italy;India;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II, 32 str.
ID: 9159310