diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Organizacija in management kadrovskih in izobraževalnih procesov
Sabina Renčel (Author), Jure Kovač (Mentor)


Timsko delo je trenutno najbolj učinkovit način soočenja z izzivi vsakdana. Pomembno je, da zaposlene, ki so naši neposredni sodelavci, seznanimo s skupnimi cilji podjetja. Obenem jim moramo dati občutek varnosti in moč za delo. Veliko vlogo pri vsem imata poštena in odkrita komunikacija ter sprotno in učinkovito reševanje vseh težav in konfliktov. Zaposleni, katerih ideje in predlogi se bodo upoštevali pri skupnem delu, bodo s tem dobili še večjo motivacijo in zagon. Pri vsem tem ne smemo pozabiti vodje tima, ki mora biti osebnostno zrel in stabilen, strokovno podkovan in imeti jasno smer, da mu lahko sledijo vsi ostali člani tima. Diplomsko delo je sestavljena iz dveh delov – iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. V teoretičnem delu želimo s pomočjo znane literature opredeliti timsko delo skozi dinamiko medsebojnih odnosov. Opisujemo organizacijske oblike timskega dela, naredimo primerjavo med učinkovitim in neučinkovitim timom. Posebno mesto damo komuniciranju med člani tima in strokovnemu izpopolnjevanju. V empiričnem delu predstavimo raziskavo, ki smo jo naredili s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika med zaposlenimi v zdravstveno-negovalni službi v domu upokojencev "X". Ocenili smo dejavnike, ki vplivajo na uspešno timsko delo. Pri tem lahko izpostavimo najpomembnejše: usklajenost članov tima, medsebojno zaupanje v timu, sproščena komunikacija in podpora vodstva. Za dobro timsko delo je pomembno tudi medsebojno sodelovanje v timu. Anketirani so se v večini strinjali, da je za uspešno timsko delo potrebna disciplina. Članom tima veliko pomeni, da so opaženi, pohvaljeni in da dobijo javno priznanje nadrejenih in tudi sodelavcev. Pri timskem delu lahko zaposleni uporabijo tudi lastne ideje in ustvarjalnost. Izmerili smo tudi vpliv timskega dela na večje zadovoljstvo zaposlenih, izboljšano kakovost dela, učinkovitejše sodelovanje in komunikacijo. Vredno bi bilo poskusiti s timskim delom tudi v manjših stanovanjskih skupinah. V zaključnem delu ankete smo zaposlene spraševali tudi o tem, kateri so po njihovem mnenju najpogostejši vzroki za konflikte v timu. Odgovori so bili naslednji: slaba komunikacija, slaba informiranost, slabi medsebojni odnosi. Za učinkovito vodenje tima je bistveno opažati, kaj se dogaja, in graditi komunikacijo tako, da ljudi resnično poveže.


timsko delo;tim;člani tima;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [S. Renčel]
UDC: 331.1
COBISS: 7856915 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1009
Downloads: 132
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The extents of teamwork in a retirement home “x”
Secondary abstract: Teamwork is currently the most effective way to confront the challenges of everyday life. It is important that employees, who are our direct collaborators, are acquainted with the overall goals of the company. At the same time we have to give them a sense of security and strength to work. Overall an honest and open communication and prompt and effective resolution of problems and conflicts are essential. Employees whose ideas and suggestions will be taken into account when working together, will get even more motivation. In all of this we must not forget the team leader, who must be personally mature and stable, knowledgeable and have a clear direction that can be followed by the other members of the team. The thesis is composed of two parts – theoretical and empirical work. In the theoretical part we want, with the help of well-known literature, to define teamwork through the dynamics of interpersonal relationships. Furthermore, we describe the organizational forms of teamwork and make a comparison between efficient and inefficient teams. A special place is given to communication among team members and professional development. Presented in the empirical part is a survey, which was completed with the help of a questionnaire among employees in the health-care service in the Retirement Home "X". We evaluated the factors that affect successful teamwork. In doing so, we can highlight the most important aspects: consistency of team members, mutual trust in the team, relaxed communication and management support. For good teamwork it is also important to cooperate in a team. Respondents in most cases agreed that the successful teamwork needed discipline. For team members it means a lot that they are observed, praised and that they receive public recognition from superiors and colleagues. In teamwork employees can also use their own ideas and creativity. We measured the impact of teamwork on increasing employee satisfaction, improved quality of work, effective collaboration and communication. Teamwork could be worthwhile to try in small residential groups. In the final part of the survey, employees were also asked about what they think are the most common causes of conflict in the team. The responses were as follows: poor communication, bad information, bad relationships. For effective team management it is essential to notice what is happening and build communication so that people really connect.
Secondary keywords: Team;Teamwork;Team leader;Team members;Communication in the team;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: 60 f.
ID: 9160353
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