magistrsko delo Management v zdravstvu in socialnem varstvu
Barbka Rant (Author), Zalika Klemenc-Ketiš (Mentor)


Področje dela v nujni medicinski pomoči je z vidika javnega mnenja opredeljeno kot zelo zahtevno, strokovno in stresno. Namen magistrskega dela je ugotoviti in razumeti doživljanje stresnih dogodkov zaposlenih v nujni medicinski pomoči. S pomočjo kvalitativne raziskovalne metodologije smo za potrebe empiričnega dela podatke zbrali s tehniko polstrukturiranega intervjuja. Pri analiziranju empiričnega dela smo uporabili individualno utemeljene teorije desetih namensko izbranih reševalcev. Prepoznali smo kategorije: opis delovnega mesta, stresorji, opis stresnih dogodkov, doživljanje stresa, reakcija na stres, obvladovanje stresa, učinki stresa, posledice stresa, načini sproščanja, pogovor z zakoncem, pogovor s sodelavci, psihološka pomoč, očitki in dvomi, preteklost dogodkov, izkušnje, priporočila za prihodnost in ponovna izbira poklica. Kategorijam pripadajoči pojmi nam omogočajo razumevanje doživljanja različnih stresnih dogodkov, s katerimi se ekipe nujne medicinske pomoči vsakodnevno srečujejo. Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da zaposleni v nujni medicinski pomoči niso izpostavljeni različnim stresorjem le zaradi njihovega strokovnega odnosa do dela, ampak tudi zaradi vpliva stresnih dejavnikov iz njihovega širšega delovnega okolja. Ugotovili smo, da so zaposleni v nujni medicinski pomoči zelo predani svojemu poklicu. So vzdržljivi, spretni, imajo znanje in, kar je najpomembneje, imajo sočutje do ljudi. V zaključku avtorica predlaga in obenem poudarja večjo usmerjenost v ozaveščanje zaposlenih v zdravstvu s področja pripraviti se na stres, ga znati obvladovati in se znati nanj privaditi. Predvsem je potrebno o tej problematiki odkrito spregovoriti z mladimi zaposlenimi, jih izobraževati in jim ponuditi pomoč, kot pravijo udeleženci raziskave, dokler je še čas zanje.


stres;nujna medicinska pomoč;neželeni dogodek;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [B. Rant]
UDC: 61
COBISS: 7707155 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1566
Downloads: 179
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Employees experience of stressful events in emergency medical service
Secondary abstract: According to the public opinion, urgent medical help is considered as demanding, professional and stressful job. The main purpose of my MD research is to establish and to understand the comprehensiveness of the stressful incidents by the urgent medical help workers. Qualitative research methodology was used to gain necessary data for the empiric part, using the half-structured interview technique. When analysing the empiric part, we used individually grounded theories of ten carefully chosen interviewees. We identified the following categories: description of their work, stress factors, description of the stressful incidents, the stress experience and reactions, how to control the stress, stress effects, stress consequences, ways of relaxation, talk to a spouse, talk to co-workers, psychological help, reproaches and doubts, past incidents, experiences, recommendations for future and another consideration of the profession. The notions that correspond the categories will enable us to understand the way how the employees understand different stressful incidents, which they experience in their daily practice. The results of the survey demonstrate that the urgent medical help workers are not only exposed to different stress factors regarding their professional attitudes but also the stress factors from the wider working environment. We found out that the urgent medical help workers are very devoted to their work. They are very persistent, skillful, knowledgeable, and most valuable, they are compassionate. At the end the author of the research suggests and emphasizes the need to orient the employees to gain bigger awareness how to prepare themselves for stressful incidents, how to command stress and how to get used to it. But it is of an utmost importance to talk honestly to young employees about the current issues, to educate them and, as they suggested, to provide help until there is still time.
Secondary keywords: stress;urgent medical help;unwanted incident;traumatic incident.;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: 68 f.
ID: 9160563
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