diplomsko delo
Lina Anadolli (Author), Matjaž Tratnik (Mentor)


Vprašanje o »nastanku« človekovih pravic (»temeljnih pravic«, »človekovih pravic in svoboščin« ipd.) ni enostavno in zato lahko zaradi svoje kompleksnosti izzove zelo različna stališča. Prevladujoča je klasična doktrina človekovih pravic, ki pravi, da naj bi le-te pripadale človeku že po njegovi naravi, kar pomeni, da naj bi jih vsak posameznik avtomatično pridobil že s svojim rojstvom. Skladno s tem razmišljanjem torej pripadajo človekove pravice vsakemu človeku že kot takšnemu, naloga države oziroma oblasti pa je, da mu te pravice prizna in ustrezno zavaruje . Vendar pa, če pogledamo skozi zgodovino, lahko kaj hitro ugotovimo, da je bila pot do priznavanja zgoraj omenjene doktrine dolga in zapletena. Da je opravičilo za obstoj oblasti cilj, ki je višji v tem smislu, da družbena organizacija služi vsem članom skupnosti, po drugi strani pa nosilci oblasti le-to izrabljajo v svoj prid in se pri tem poslužujejo sredstev, do katerih drugi nimajo pravice ter pri tem vršijo monopol nasilja, je spoznanje, ki sodi že v duhovni svet najstarejših civilizacij . V modernem času je prepoved mučenja kot izhodišče širše človekove pravice do telesne in duševne nedotakljivosti opredeljena kot absolutna pravica. Gre za neodtujljivo človekovo pravico, ki ima svoj pravni učinek tako v vertikalnem razmerju (posameznik v. državna oblast) kot v horizontalnem razmerju (posameznik v. posameznik) . V prvem delu svoje diplomske naloge smo predstavili pravno in filozofsko konstrukcijo temeljnih človekovih pravic ter podrobneje razčlenili pojem mučenja, zgodovino mučenja, predvsem smo se osredotočili na mučenje, ki ga je izvajala institucionalizirana oblast v sodnih, policijskih in vojaških postopkih. Bistveno vprašanje o temeljnih človekovih pravicah se namreč poraja ravno iz spoznanja, da predstavniki organov oblasti, katerih namen je varovanje družbe, zaradi moči, ki jim jo te institucije dajejo, posamezne člane družbe bistveno bolj ogrožajo kakor močni posamezniki . Nadalje smo analizirali pravne učinke te absolutne pravice, ki velja erga omnes. Ta pravica torej pripada vsakomur. Ker so še posebej izpostavljene osebe, ki jim je bila odvzeta prostost v preiskovalnih postopkih ali v zaporih, smo predstavili tudi to področje. V drugem delu diplomskega dela smo izpostavili odločilne trenutke v zgodovini, ki so pripomogli k temu, da se je vzpostavila zaščita človeka pred mučenjem na mednarodni ravni. Zanimalo nas je, kako je prepoved mučenja prešla med ius cogens norme, katera je absolutna tako v stanju miru kot v stanju vojne oziroma v oboroženih spopadih. Predstavili in podrobneje smo analizirali tudi mednarodne dokumente, ki so bili odločilnega pomena za vzpostavitev te zaščite. Prepoved mučenja je dandanes ena izmed temeljnih človekovih pravic in je kot taka predmet mednarodnega nadzora ter nadzora ustavnih in rednih sodišč v večini držav. Tretji del smo posvetili nadzoru; najprej državam, ki izvajajo zakonske, upravne, sodne in druge učinkovite ukrepe, da bi na ozemlju pod svojo jurisdikcijo preprečile mučenje, ter mednarodnim organizacijam, ki izvajajo meddržavni nadzor, ter pravilom, ki so ključna za izvedbo. Ta del smo povezali tudi z nekaj primeri iz sodne prakse in predstavili vlogo mednarodnih sodnih internacionaliziranih kazenskih sodišč ter kvazisodnih teles. Med kršitvami človekovih pravic velja mučenje ena za najbolj zavrženih, a tudi trdovratnih in še danes pogostih oblik. Ravno zaradi tega je potrebno njenemu preprečevanju nameniti še prav posebno pozornost . V sklepnem delu diplomske naloge smo kritično analizirali vsa dejstva in poskušali odgovoriti na ključno vprašanje, podkrepljeno s sodno prakso; kakšna je dandanes sploh stopnja učinkovitosti mednarodnega nadzora nad izvrševanjem prepovedi mučenja in kako pogosto še prihaja do kršitev v praksi?


diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [L. Anadolli]
UDC: 341.43(043.2)
COBISS: 5328939 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1134
Downloads: 103
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The question of the »emergence« of human rights (»fundamental rights«, »human rights and freedoms«, etc.) is not easy and because of their complexity raises very different views. The predominant (Classical) doctrine of human rights says that the latter belonged to a man by its very nature, which means that they automatically every individual has acquired its birth. In line with this thinking, therefore, they belong to the human rights of every man has as such the task of state or government was to give him this right is recognized and adequately insured. However, if we look through history, we can quickly figure out the way to recognition of the aforementioned doctrine was long and complicated. That the justification for the existence of a government objective, which is higher than in the sense that the social organization serves all members of the community, on the other hand, the holders of power-on to exploit to their advantage, and in this through the means that others have rights as well as they make monopoly of violence, the recognition that belongs already to the spiritual world's oldest civilizations. In modern times, the prohibition of torture as a starting point for broader human rights to physical and mental integrity is treated as an absolute right. It is an inalienable human right, which has its own legal effect both in a vertical relationship (individum v. government) as in the horizontal relationship (individium v. individum). In the first part of my thesis we presented the legal and philosophical structure of fundamental human rights and in greater detail the concept of torture, torture history, mainly we focused on the torture practiced by the government in the judicial, police and military operations. The essential question of fundamental rights of the fact arises precisely from the realization that the representatives of the authorities, the purpose of which is to protect society, because of the power given to them by these institutions provide, the individual members of society significantly more at risk than strong individuals. Furthermore, we analyzed the legal effects of such an absolute right, which applies erga omnes. This right is therefore belongs to everyone. Since they are particularly vulnerable persons deprived of their liberty in investigative proceedings or in prison, we were also present in this area. In the second part of the thesis we pointed out the decisive moments in history that have contributed to the fact that it has established protection of humans against torture at the international level. We were searching how the prohibition of torture passed between rights by ius cogens norm, which is an absolute condition both in peace and in a state of war or armed conflict. We also detailed analyzed the international documents that were crucial for the establishment of such protection. The prohibition of torture is nowadays one of the fundamental human rights and at that is subject of international supervision and control of the constitutional and regular courts in most countries. On the third part of diploma we focused on control; first countries to implement effective legislative, administrative, judicial or other effective measures that would in any territory under its jurisdiction to prevent torture and to international organizations that carry Interstate supervision and rules that are essential for the execution. This part we concluded together with a few examples from the case and presented the role of international judicial criminal tribunals and quasi-judicial bodies. Among the human rights violations subject to torture one of the most discarded, but the persistent and common forms today. That is why it is necessary to prevent its paid particular attention. In the fourth part, we critically analyzed all facts and try to answer the key questions, supported by case law how efficient is today international control over the implementation of the prohibition of torture, how often violatio
Secondary keywords: fundamental human rights;prohibition of torture;international control;power.;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Pages: III, 72 f.
ID: 9160709