diplomski projekt
Maja Mihev (Author), Katja Crnogaj (Mentor)


Podjetništvo je gonilna sila razvoja gospodarstva. V svetu vsakodnevnih sprememb se podjetništvo vse bolj razvija, zato je pomembno, da ljudje svoje znanje in sposobnosti čim boj učinkovito in kreativno uporabijo v praksi. Podjetnik mora biti sposoben zaznati in izkoristiti poslovno priložnost. Z vlaganjem svojega truda, časa in sredstev dodaja poslu novo, boljšo vrednost. Ženske se vse premalo vključujejo v poslovno okolje, zato je žensko podjetništvo tako na Koroškem kot v celotni Sloveniji v veliki meri neizkoriščen potencial. V diplomskem projektu smo natančno opredelili podjetništvo in predstavili podjetništvo v Sloveniji. Pojasnili smo podjetniški proces in navedli, kaj vse je zanj potrebno. Prav tako smo predstavili podjetniške možnosti in se dotaknili napovedi o podjetništvu v prihodnosti. V nadaljevanju smo podrobneje predstavili podjetnika, njegovo osebnost in lastnosti, vloge, v katerih se podjetnik pojavlja, in opisali, kaj vse lahko podjetnika motivira, da se odloči za vstop v poslovni svet. Nato smo se osredotočili na značilnosti žensk ‒ podjetnic ter na prednosti in slabosti ženskega podjetništva. Temu sledi lastna raziskava, kjer smo v središče obravnave postavili podjetništvo na Koroškem, ugotavljali smo razlike med podjetniki in podjetnicami v regiji. Raziskava kaže, da se podjetnice na Koroškem kljub višji izobrazbi v primerjavi z moškimi kolegi v manjši meri odločajo za vstop v poslovni svet. Ženske se pri ustanavljanju podjetja srečujejo z večjimi težavami kot moški, predvsem so to težave pridobivanja finančnih sredstev. Ugotovili smo, da so podjetniki v povprečju bolj pripravljeni tvegati v primerjavi s podjetnicami, saj se podjetnice v večini odločajo za posle, ki so manj tvegani.


podjetništvo;podjetnik;žensko podjetništvo;ženske podjetnice;primerjalna analiza;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [M. Mihev]
UDC: 005.2-055.2
COBISS: 12629020 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1315
Downloads: 116
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Comparative analysis of entrepreneurship and female entrepreneurship on Carinthia
Secondary abstract: Entrepreneurship is the driving force of the economy. In the world of daily changes, the enterprise increasingly develops, it is important that people their knowledge and skills as much effectively and creatively apply in practice. An entrepreneur must be able to detect and exploit a business opportunity. By investing their effort, time and resources, it adds a business, a new, better value. Women are insufficiently involved in the business environment, it is also women's entrepreneurship so on Carinthia in Slovenia largely untapped potential. In the degree, we carefully defined entrepreneurship and introduced entrepreneurship in Slovenia. We explained the entrepreneurial process and indicate what it requires. We also introduced the entrepreneurial opportunities and touched forecasts on business in the future. Below we detailed the entrepreneur's personality and characteristics, the role in which the entrepreneur occurs and described, what could motivate the entrepreneur to decide to enter the business world. Then we focused on the characteristics of women ‒ entrepreneurs and the advantages and disadvantages of female entrepreneurship. This is followed by its own research, which the center of the discussion is Entrepreneurship in Carinthia. We observed differences between male and female entrepreneurs in the region. Research shows that female entrepreneurs in Carinthia, despite higher education compared to their male counterparts, lesser decide to enter the business world. Women in the establishment of companies face greater difficulties than men, especially as this is a problem of obtaining financial resources. We found that male entrepreneurs are, on average, more willing to take risks in comparison with the female entrepreneurs, because female entrepreneurs are in the majority opt for businesses that are less risky.
Secondary keywords: entrepreneurship;women entrepreneurship;entrepreneur;business opportunity;difference.;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: IV, 44 str., 3 str. pril.
ID: 9160993