diplomsko delo
Skrb za okolje postaja prioriteta, saj se onesnaženost voda lahko poslabša, če z vodo ne varčujemo in z njo ne ravnamo preudarno. Del tega predstavlja tudi tema diplomskega dela, kjer je prikazan postopek razvoja čistilne naprave, in sicer od ideje do njegove implementacije.
Skonstruiran, simuliran in testiran je bil nov tip rezervoarja z delno integrirano steno z različnimi volumni. Pregradna stena s priključki predstavlja del sistema čiščenja odpadne vode. Za lažje jemanje vzorcev je bila narejena nova vzorčna cev, ki je vgrajena v samo čistilno napravo. Osrednji del čistilne naprave – krmilje, puhalo in razdelivec zraka – je vgrajen v omarico čistilne naprave, ki je sestavljena iz treh delov in je namenjena za zunanjo in notranjo vgradnjo. Prav tako je bil razvit krmilnik za čistilno napravo. Vse te komponente je bilo potrebno interno testirati, opraviti določene izboljšave ter na koncu vse sklope testirati v akreditiranih laboratorijih oziroma inštitutih, da se lahko na podlagi teh poročil izda izjava o lastnostih.
Ker je potrebno proizvod tudi prodati, je v tem diplomskem delu pripravljen terminski plan, narejene so sestavnice in preračunani investicijski stroški, na podlagi seštevka vseh stroškov pa je bila pripravljena okvirna prodajna cena za ROTO RoClean 6 PE čistilno napravo. Proizvod daje kupcu celostno rešitev z nižjimi investicijskimi in obratovalnimi stroški, saj je zasnovan tako, da uporabniku poenostavi in olajša njegovo uporabo – zaradi večjega volumna zalogovnika se namreč lahko prazni manj pogosto.
Kupec ima možnost kasnejše nadgradnje čistilne naprave oziroma krmilja z R-Press sistemom in oddaljenim nadzorom.
čistilna naprava;komunalna odpadna voda;SBR-tehnologija;populacijski ekvivalent;rezervoar;diplomske naloge;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2016 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering |
Publisher: |
[A. Žekš] |
UDC: |
628.32:696.135(043.2) |
Views: |
1389 |
Downloads: |
50 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Development of ROTO SRB small waste water puryfiying plant |
Secondary abstract: |
Nowadays the concern for the environment is becoming a priority because the quality of water can get worse if we do not take care for it or consume it wisely. This thesis presents a solution for improving or maintaining the quality of water on same level.
The thesis describes the process of the development of the treatment plant from the idea to its implementation. In order to achieve such a goal, a new type of plastic tank with partially integrated walls with different volumes was constructed, simulated and tested.
A part of the system for cleaning waste water is integrated into the wall and the remaining parts are standard parts. In order to take samples from the purifying unit a new sample tube was made, which is placed into the treatment plant. The vital part of the treatment plant is the computer which controls how the purifying plant will work and it also detects errors when something is does not work properly. The blower and air manifold wit computer are assembled into a plastic box, which can be installed outside or inside the building.
All these components had to be tested in our company in order to meet certain criteria. Further on the components had to be tested in accredited laboratories or institutes to confirm and ensure that the product meets the requirements for different standards. After that the manufacturer was able to put the CE mark on the product and issue a declaration of conformity.
The thesis also presents calculations of all costs, which serve as a basis for setting the indicative price for ROTO SBR RoClean treatment plant.
The product offers the customer a complete solution with lower investment and operating costs.
The product is designed so that it is simple to use and due to a larger tank volume users can empty the tank less often. Users can also upgrade treatment plants with R-Press control system which enables them to control the plant remotely via internet application. |
Secondary keywords: |
purifyng plant;municipal waste water;SBR-technology;population unit;plastic tank; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): |
2019-10-10 |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za strojništvo, Gospodarsko inženirstvo |
Pages: |
XIII, 85 f. |
ID: |
9161100 |