diplomsko delo
Jara Košuta (Author), Martina Ozbič (Mentor)


Diplomska naloga raziskuje razvoj predšolskih otrok, dejavnike, ki vplivajo na razvijanje predopismenjevalnih spretnosti in povezavo med igro in pismenostjo. Oslanja se na dejstvi, da se opismenjevanje začne že pred otrokovim vstopom v osnovno šolo ter da so predopismenjevalne spretnosti znanilci otrokovega učnega uspeha pri opismenjevanju in nasploh. Otrokove kognitivne zmožnosti v zgodnjem otroštvu in njegova naravna radovednost do lastnega okolja mu omogočajo, da si že pred vstopom v šolo ustvari določene predstave o branju in pisanju. Ker je predšolsko obdobje čas, ko se otrok v največji meri posveča igri, se v diplomskem delu izpostavlja njeno vlogo pri otrokovem razvoju. Igra ni le zabavna dejavnost, temveč je otrokov način spoznavanja sveta, preko katerega postopoma (in nezavedno) razvija vse svoje zmožnosti. V delu navajamo razloge, zakaj je igra primeren kontekst za spodbujanje pridobivanja predbralnih in predpisalnih spretnosti in kako igro obravnavati, da se to najbolje obnese. Pozitivna čustva in občutki, ki jih otrok doživlja med igro so temelj, na katerem gradi tudi svoje veselje do učenja, in razlog, da je med igro otrok močno motiviran k dejavnosti. V nalogi se tudi izpostavlja vlogo socialnih interakcij pri otrokovi igri. Najprej so to interakcije s starši in domačimi; ko začne obiskovati vrtec, pa ima otrok še več priložnosti za igro z vrstniki. Vzgojitelji imajo pomembno nalogo, da jo usmerjajo in spodbujajo z namenom, da bi otrok čim bolje razvil vse svoje sposobnosti in zmožnosti. Med te sposobnosti spadajo tudi predbralne in predpisalne spretnosti. V prvem delu diplomske naloge podajam pregled razvojnih značilnosti predšolskih otrok, v katerem izpostavljam dejavnike, ki podpirajo razvoj predbralnih in predpisalnih spretnosti. Drugi del diplome pa posvečam preučevanju igre kot konteksta, v katerem poteka otrokov razvoj. Na podlagi obstoječih raziskav podam opredelitev igre, navajam vrste igre in izpostavljam njeno vlogo pri jezikovnem razvoju. Nato se posvečam osrednjemu vprašanju, spodbujanju predopismenjevalnih spretnosti preko igre. Pri tem izpostavljam vlogo odraslih, bodisi domačih kot vzgojiteljev v vrtcu. Zaključni del diplome sestavlja seznam iger in analizo.




Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [J. Košuta]
UDC: 373.2:028.5(043.2)
COBISS: 11092809 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1399
Downloads: 121
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Promoting preliteracy skills through play in preschool period
Secondary abstract: The thesis explores the development of preschool children, the factors that affect the development of preliteracy skills and the link between play and literacy. It is based on the fact that literacy begins before the child enters primary school and that preliteracy skills can predict the child's educational achievement in literacy and in general. Children's cognitive skills in early childhood and their natural curiosity for their own environment enable them to develop certain ideas about reading and writing before starting school. Since the preschool period is the time when a child is largely involved in play, this thesis highlights the role of this period in the child's development. Play is not only a fun activity, but it is the child's way of learning about the world through which he gradually (and unconsciously) develops his full potential. In the thesis, reasons are also cited as to why play is a suitable context for the promotion of prereading and prewriting skills and how to deal with play in a way that will work best. Positive emotions and feelings that the child experiences during play are the foundation on which he will also build his joy of learning, and the reason that the player is strongly motivated to take part in the activity. The thesis also highlights the role of social interactions in a child's play. First are the interactions with parents, relatives and close friends; but when the child starts to attend kindergarten he or she has many more opportunities to play with his or her peers. Educators have an important task to direct and encourage play in order to maximize the children's development of all their skills and abilities. These capabilities also include prereading and prewriting skills. The first part of the thesis gives an overview of the developmental characteristics of preschool children outlining the factors that support the development of prereading and prewriting skills. In the second part of the study play is examined as the context in which the child's development occours. Based on existing research a definition of play is given, as well as a list of types of play and their role in language development is highlighted. The central question of promoting pre-literacy skills through play is also dealt with. In doing this the role of the adults is emphasized, whether it is the role of the family or the role of educators in the kindergarten. The final part of the thesis consists of a list of games and an analysis of their effects.
Secondary keywords: pre-school child;literacy;play;predšolski otrok;pismenost;igra;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Surdopedagogika in logopedija
Pages: 82 f.
ID: 9161117