diplomsko delo
Uroš Pećanac (Author), Renato Vrenčur (Mentor)


Predmet tega diplomskega dela so kmetijska zemljišča, katera so za preživetje človeka zelo pomembna, saj predstavljajo osnovo za pridelavo hrane. Zaradi te njihove pomembnosti je potreba po varovanju kmetijskih zemljišč nujna. Eden izmed pomembnih predpisov, ki varuje kmetijska zemljišča, je Zakon o kmetijskih zemljiščih, katerega cilji so »ohranjanje in izboljševanje pridelovalnega potenciala ter povečevanje obsega kmetijskih zemljišč za pridelavo hrane, trajnostno ravnanje z rodovitno zemljo, ohranjanje krajine ter ohranjanje in razvoj podeželja« in so določeni v 1.a členu. Zaradi dosege teh ciljev in velikega pomena kmetijskih zemljišč je zakon posegel v prosto razpolaganje (ius obutendi) ter za sam prenos lastninske pravice predpisal točno določen postopek in določil predkupne upravičence. Za uspešen prenos lastninske pravice na kmetijskih zemljiščih je tudi potrebno plačilo davka. Kolikšna je odmera davka in ali je plačilo sploh potrebno je odvisno od vrednosti kmetijskega zemljišča ter od vrste pravnega posla. Za dokončen prenos lastninske pravice pa je potreben vpis v zemljiško knjigo. Ali gre za kmetijsko, stavbno, gozdno, vodno ali drugo namensko rabo zemljišča je določeno z občinskim prostorskim načrtom tiste občine v kateri zemljišče leži. Za spremembo namembnosti kmetijskega zemljišča je torej potrebna sprememba občinskega prostorskega načrta. Sama izvedba prostorskega načrtovanja je določena z Zakonom o prostorskem načrtovanju v katerem je možno zaznati cilje Aarhuške konvencije. Cilji, kateri so zapisani v 1. členu Aarhuške konvencije, katere podpisnica je tudi Slovenija so, da ima vsaka oseba pravico, da živi v okolju, katero je primerno za njeno zdravje in blaginjo, ter zagotavlja pravico javnosti, do možnosti informiranja, odločanja in pravnega varstva v okoljskih zadevah.


diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [U. Pećanac]
UDC: 347.27(043.2)
COBISS: 5263915 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1238
Downloads: 129
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: This thesis focuses on the agricultural lands, which are very important for human survival, as they are basis for food production. Therefore, it is of utter importance to protect agricultural lands. One of the important regulations that protect agricultural lands is the Agricultural Land Act, whose objectives are “the conservation and improvement of production potential and growth of agricultural land for food production, sustainable use of fertile land, landscape conservation, and the conservation and rural development” which are defined in Article 1a. In order to achieve these objectives, and due to great importance of agricultural land, the law has interfered with free disposal (ius obutendi) of the land, and for single transfer of ownership prescribed a specific process and defined pre-emption beneficiaries. In order to successfully transfer the ownership rights on agricultural land, any required tax payments must be fulfilled. Tax assessment, and if any tax payment is required, depends on the value of agricultural land and the type of legal transaction. For the final transfer of ownership rights, it must be entered in the land register. Whether it concerns any type of land use (i.e agricultural, forestry, construction, water management), it is provided by the municipal spatial plan of the municipality within which the land is located. In order to change the purpose of agricultural land, it is therefore necessary to amend the municipal spatial plan. The mere implementation of spatial planning is defined by the Spatial Planning Act, in which it is possible to detect the objectives of the Aarhus Convention. The objectives laid down in Article 1 of the Aarhus Convention, which was also signed by Slovenia, are that every person has the right to live in an environment that is stimulating for their health and well-being, and to ensure the public right to information, a right in decision-making, and a right to legal protection in environmental matters.
Secondary keywords: agricultural land;ownership right;land register;agricultural land management;pre-emption right;tax;land-use change;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Pages: 54 f.
ID: 9161507
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