magistrsko delo
David Jan (Author), Tomaž Svete (Mentor)


Magistrsko delo vsebuje oris življenja Pavleta Merkùja in pregled njegovega glasbenega opusa. Tržačan Pavle Merkù je deloval na dveh področjih, kot jezikoslovec in kot skladatelj. Bil je ena najvplivnejših osebnosti kulturnega življenja Slovencev v Italiji, poleg tega pa je deloval kot etnograf in etnomuzikolog. S svojim delom je pomembno pripomogel k ohranjanju ljudskega izročila na Primorskem in v zamejstvu. Zaključno magistrsko delo temelji na sledečih teoretičnih metodah: deskriptivna, zgodovinska, komparativna metoda, poleg tega pa tudi metoda analize in sinteze, metoda klasifikacije ter metoda abstrakcije in konkretizacije. V začetnem delu je opisana slovenska glasba v 50. in 60. letih prejšnjega stoletja, v sledečih poglavjih predstavitev življenja in dela Pavleta Merkùja, ključni del pa sta analiza in slogovna umestitev skladateljevih del za rog, s poudarkom na Koncertu za rog in mešani zbor op. 37 in solistični skladbi Metamorfosi di un canto popolare per corno solo. Omenjen je glasbeni festival Biennale Zagreb 1963, na katerem je bil prvič izveden Koncert za rog in zbor. Predstavljeno je tudi zgodovinsko ozadje nastanka obravnavanih skladb, ki temelji na analizi pisemskih korespondenc skladatelja. V zadnjem poglavju so podani rezultati analize del za rog.


magistrska dela;slovenska glasba za rog;rezijanska folklora;dodekafonija;nadhistoričnost;Merkù;Pavle;1927-2014;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [D. Jan]
UDC: 78.071.1Merkù P.(043.2)
COBISS: 22564104 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1040
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Analysis of the Compositions for Horn by Pavle Merku
Secondary abstract: Master's thesis contains outline of Pavle Merkù's life as well as the overview of his musical opus. Originally from Trieste, Pavle Merkù operated in two fields, as a linguist and as a composer. He was one of the most influential persons of the cultural life of Slovenians in Italy, and besides that, worked as an etnographer and an etnomusicologist. His works immensely helped preserving folk traditions throughout Primorje area and abroad. The final master's thesis is based on the following theoretical methods: descriptive, historical, comparative, as well as the analysis and synthesis method, the method of classification and the method of abstraction and concretization. The first part focuses on the description of Slovene music in the fifties and sixties of the past century. The next chapters describe Pavle Merkù's life and work, following by the analysis and stylistic placement of the composers works for horn, focusing on the Concert for horn and mixed choir op. 37 and the solo piece Metamorfosi di un canto popolare per corno solo. The musical festival Bienalle Zagreb 1963, in which they premiered the Concert for horn and choir, is also mentioned. The historical background and formation of the addressed songs, which is based on the analysis of Merku's letter-correspondences, is also included. In the final chapter the results of the analysis for horn works are presented.
Secondary keywords: master theses;Slovenian music for horn;Rezian folklore;dodecaphony;overhistoricity;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za glasbeno pedagogiko
Pages: 78 f., XXXIII f. pril.
ID: 9161591
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