diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija Organizacija dela
Mateja Šimec (Author), Vesna Novak (Mentor), Alenka Brezavšček (Co-mentor)


Diplomsko delo z naslovom Usklajevanje poklicnega in družinskega življenja zaposlenih v Splošni bolnišnici Novo mesto sestavljata dva dela. Prvi del je teoretični, v katerem smo predstavili družinsko in poklicno življenje, zadovoljstvo zaposlenih in usklajevanje družinskega in poklicnega življenja. V nadaljevanju smo predstavili projekt Družini prijazno podjetje, katerega del je tudi Splošna bolnišnica Novo mesto (SBNM) ter certifikat Družini prijazno podjetje (DPP). Drugi del naloge je empirični, kjer smo predstavili rezultate raziskave, ki smo jo opravili med zaposlenimi v SBNM, da bi ugotovili, kako zaposleni v SBNM usklajujejo družinsko in poklicno življenje, kakšni so odzivi zaposlenih na izvajanje ukrepov za lažje usklajevanje družinskega in poklicnega življenja v sklopu certifikata DPP in koliko ti ukrepi dejansko pripomorejo k lažjemu usklajevanju družinskega in poklicnega življenja zaposlenih v povezavi z zadovoljstvom zaposlenih. Ugotovili smo, da skoraj polovica anketiranih zaposlenih porabi za neplačano delo več kot 17 ur/teden, kar predstavlja zelo velik delež »prostega« časa glede na način dela v bolnišnici. Večino anketiranih zaposlenih usklajevanje delovnih in družinskih (zasebnih) obveznosti obremenjuje. Z usklajevanjem pa so najbolj obremenjene mame, stare do 40 let, z enim ali več otrokom, starim do 11 let. Rezultati so pokazali, da je »Izboljšati komuniciranje med podrejenimi in nadrejenimi o željah zaposlenih« tisti predlagani ukrep, ki bi po mnenju večine vprašanih najbolj pripomogel k lažjemu usklajevanju dela in družinskih (zasebnih) obveznosti. Z raziskavo smo tudi ugotovili, da je po mnenju anketiranih zaposlenih ukrep »Filozofija/načela vodenja (naklonjenost družini)« tisti od ponujenih ukrepov, ki se v bolnišnici izvajajo, ki je najbolj ustrezen in od katerega imajo zaposleni največ koristi pri usklajevanju dela in družine.


družinsko življenje;poklicno življenje;zadovoljstvo zaposlenih;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [M. Šimec]
UDC: 658.3
COBISS: 7787283 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1843
Downloads: 365
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The thesis entitled "Balancing Work and Family Life of the Employees of Novo Mesto General Hospital" is divided into two parts. The first part of the thesis is theoretical and provides a presentation of the family and work life of the hospital employees, their satisfaction, and ways of balancing their professional commitments with their personal lives. In this part of the thesis, the project "Family-Friendly Enterprise", which Novo Mesto General Hospital (NMGH) is also part of, and the Family-Friendly Enterprise Certificate (FFE) are presented as well. The second part of the thesis is empirical. It provides the results of a survey that was conducted among the NMGH employees in order to establish how they maintain a work-life balance, and to explore their responses to the policies that were adopted in order to make it easier for them to balance their family and work life within the framework of the FFE Certificate. The survey also examined the actual impact these policies had on a better work–life balance of the NMGH employees in terms of their satisfaction. The survey revealed that almost half of the respondents do more than 17 hours of unpaid work per week, which represents a very large portion of their "free" time, considering the methods of work in the hospital. Most of the interviewed employees find balancing work and family (private) obligations stressful. Balancing work and family life is the most stressful for mothers under the age of 40 with one or more children younger than 11. The results of the survey also showed that, in the opinion of the majority of the interviewed employees, "Improve Upward Communication between Superiors and Subordinates" is a family-friendly policy that would most effectively enable the employees to balance their work and family (private) obligations more easily. According to the survey, "Management Principles (Family-Friendliness)" is considered to be the most effective policy adopted by the hospital as it provides the most benefits for the employees in terms of achieving a work–life balance.
Secondary keywords: family life;work life;employee satisfaction;work–life balance;Family–Friendly Enterprise Certificate;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijo dela
Pages: 80 f.
ID: 9161628