diplomski projekt
Zavarovalnica − beseda, ki pri marsikaterem človeku vzbudi negativne občutke. Bodisi zaradi slabe izkušnje bodisi prav zaradi goljufije, ki jo je posameznik doživel ali zanjo le slišal. Z zavarovanjem se srečujemo vso življenje, saj je to področje v današnjem svetu, ki je postalo človeška nuja. Hkrati pa nam daje nek način občutek varnosti, saj smo le bitja zaznav in vse, kar daje občutek varnosti, nam veliko pomeni.
Velikokrat slišimo ljudi reči »zavarovalnica je tista, ki nam jemlje, nič ne da in samo goljufa«, moramo pa se zavedati, da je prav zavarovalnica tista institucija, ki se z goljufijami spopada in jim je izpostavljena ter tista, ki mora pokriti finančno škodo. Je institucija, ki naredi na tem področju največ in je velikokrat s tega vidika še vedno prezrta. S strokovnjaki na čelu mora poskrbeti za pristen in zaupanja vreden odnos, kajti od tega je odvisna. Če ni zaupanja, ni strank, brez strank, ni dobička. Kar pa je eden ključnih ciljev zavarovalnice – ustvarjanje dobička.
Seveda pa zavarovalnice ne morejo jemati zgolj in samo z ekonomskega vidika, pač pa prav tako s socialnega. Pranje denarja oziroma z njim povezane goljufije niso samo problem zavarovalnice, temveč družbe nasploh. Ne samo da posledice nosijo zavarovanci, saj plačujejo visoke premije, prav tako je vpliv širše narave. Zaradi goljufij nastrada avtomobilska industrija, ki zaradi goljufov posledično proda manj novih avtomobilov, saj se viša procent preprodaje rabljenih delov. Manjši dobički »poštenih« delodajalcev tako povzročajo brezposelnost ljudi. Posledice na koncu nosi celotna družba in z njo vsak posameznik.
Vidimo, da se vrtimo v začaranem krogu, ki se ne konča. Zavedati se je potrebno, da je goljufija velik problem širše družbe, ki nam dela škodo in bi v boju proti goljufijam morala reagirati tako javnost kot država ter se skupaj z zavarovalnico spopasti s problemom goljufije.
Goljufe najdemo na vseh področjih, ki vedno znova iščejo nove možnosti pri vseh oblikah zavarovanj. Tisto, ki prednjači pa je vsekakor avtomobilsko zavarovanje. Skozi delo diplomskega projekta bomo najprej spoznali samo zavarovanje, opredelili avtomobilsko zavarovanje in z njim povezane goljufije. Spoznali bomo funkcijo zavarovalnice in njeno spopadanje zoper kazniva dejanja, kot je goljufija. Naš namen je spoznati oblike goljufij in taktike preiskovalcev ter kakšna je finančna škoda, ki jo goljufije puščajo. Na koncu diplomskega projekta iz posameznih definicij in ukrepov prehajamo do ugotovitev, kaj na to temo še storiti.
Za ugotovitev stanja na področju goljufij, in s tem povezanimi finančnimi posledicami zavarovalnice, smo naredili tabelarične prikaze podatkov, na podlagi katerih smo analizirali hipoteze in podali odgovore nanje.
zavarovalništvo;avtomobilsko zavarovanje;zavarovalniške goljufije;gospodarski kriminal;preiskovalci;Velika Britanija;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2016 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business |
Publisher: |
[J. Visočnik] |
UDC: |
343.3/.7:368 |
Views: |
1094 |
Downloads: |
96 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Types of car insurance fraud |
Secondary abstract: |
Insurance company – a term which usually evokes negative feelings in humans. This could be because of bad experience or because of insurance fraud that someone has experienced or has just heard about. We are faced with insurance throughout our lives because it has become an integral part of today’s world. However, at the same time it gives us a sense of security because we are creatures of perceptions and everything which provides us with a feeling of security means a lot to us.
We often hear people saying that an insurance company is the one which is only taking from us, gives nothing back and cheats. But we must also know that an insurance company is the institution which faces and is exposed to fraud and must cover financial damage. It is an institution which deals with this issue a lot, but it is still ignored in this aspect. Its experts must ensure authentic and trustworthy relationship with its clients because its performance depends on this. If there is no trust, there are no clients, and without clients there is no profit and making profit is one of the most important goals of the insurance company.
Of course, the insurance company cannot function only from the economic point of view but also from the social. Money laundering and the related fraud is not only a problem of the insurance company but of the society in general. It is not only the policyholders who feel the consequences because they must pay higher insurance premiums, the issue has much wider consequences. For example, car industry is affected as they sell less new cars due to the increased resale of used car parts. Lower profits made by ‘honest’ employers thus cause unemployment. The effects of this and are felt by the whole society and, consequently, by each individual.
We can see that we are caught in a vicious circle. Therefore, it is necessary to be aware that fraud is a major problem which causes damage and that the public and the country must fight against it together with insurance companies. We can find fraudsters who are always looking for new methods and forms of fraud in all fields of insurance with car insurance being at the top.
The purpose of this diploma project is to study insurance, to define car insurance and car insurance related fraud. First, we present the functions of an insurance company and how it fights against fraud. Our aim is to determine different forms of fraud, the investigators’ tactics for discovering fraud, and the extent of financial damage caused by fraud. Based on definitions and measures established within this diploma project, we draw conclusions about what still needs to be done this field.
To establish the situation in the field of car insurance fraud and the related financial consequences, we gathered the relevant data and presented it in tabular format. This data was used to test and to answer our hypotheses. |
Secondary keywords: |
insurance;insurance fraud;insurance investigators;car insurance; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Final seminar paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak. |
Pages: |
III, 35 str. |
ID: |
9161740 |