diplomsko delo
Štefan Hajdinjak (Author), Robert Repnik (Mentor), Nataša Vaupotič (Co-mentor)


V diplomskem delu predstavimo raketo na stisnjen zrak kot motivacijski in učni pripomoček pri pouku fizike v osnovni in v srednji šoli ter kot primer zahtevnega dinamičnega sistema, ki ga obravnavamo z izbranimi simulacijskimi orodji. Teoretično izračunamo začetno hitrost, s katero v navpični smeri poleti raketa na stisnjen zrak. Pri tem upoštevamo različne poenostavitve. Izračunamo, kako dolgo in kako visoko leti raketa. Teoretične izračune začetne hitrosti rakete primerjamo z rezultati meritev. Izdelamo univerzalni model vzleta in leta rakete v navpični smeri ter modele s simulacijskimi orodji Dynasys, Berkeley Madonna, Powersim in Vensim. Podrobneje predstavimo prosto dostopno simulacijsko orodje Dynasys. Simulacijska orodja primerjamo med sabo, predvsem glede možnosti predstavitev in razlage simulacij. S simulacijo razložimo razhajanje med teoretično napovedano in eksperimentalno izmerjeno vrednostjo začetne hitrosti rakete. Izdelamo model v izbranem simulacijskem orodju kot dopolnitev in razširitev konkretne eksperimentalne vaje pri pouku fizike v splošni gimnaziji.


diplomska dela;fizika;fizikalne igrače;rakete na stisnjen zrak;meritve;teoretična obravnava;analitični izračuni;simulacijsko orodje;Dynasys;Berkeley;Madonna;Powersim;Vensim;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FNM - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Publisher: [Š. Hajdinjak]
UDC: 37.091.3:53(043.2)
COBISS: 22577672 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1184
Downloads: 112
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Compressed air rocket in the Physics education in the primary and upper secondary school
Secondary abstract: In the thesis, we present a compressed air rocket as a motivational and learning tool for teaching physics in primary and upper secondary schools, as well as an example of a complex dynamic system, which is treated with selected simulation tools. We theoretically calculate the initial velocity, with which the compressed air rocket is projected in a vertical direction, by considering various simplifications. We calculate the duration and the height of the rocket's flight. We compare the theoretical calculations of the initial velocity of the rocket with the results of the measurements. We create a universal model of the launch and the flight of the rocket in a vertical direction, as well as models with simulation tools Dynasys, Berkeley Madonna, Powersim and Vensim. We present the freely available simulation tool Dynasys in more detail. We compare simulation tools, particularly in terms of presentation possibilities and stimulation interpretation. By simulating, we explain the discrepancy between the theoretically predicted and the experimentally measured value of the rocket's initial velocity. We create a model in the selected simulation tool as a complement and an extension of a practical experimental exercise in a physics class in a general upper secondary school.
Secondary keywords: theses;physics;physical toys;compressed air rokets;measurements;theoretical treatment;analytical calculation;simulation tools;Dynasys;Berkeley;Madonna;Powersim;Vensim;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za naravoslovje in matematiko, Oddelek za fiziko
Pages: IV, 66 f.
ID: 9161949