diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študijskega programa
Andrej Hodnik (Author), Marjan Sternad (Mentor)


Diplomsko delo z naslovom Izboljšanje učinkovitosti transporta smo si izbrali z namenom, ker želimo izbranemu podjetju približati zaznani problem in jim podrobneje predstaviti predloge rešitev. S tem želimo doseči cilj in rešiti zaznani problem, kar posledično izboljša poslovanje podjetja. Ker menimo, da je tukaj še veliko prostora za izboljšave, želimo s to nalogo le-te tudi pridobiti. V diplomskem delu bomo predstavili izbrano podjetje, Robnik TTS, d. o. o., in njihovo primarno dejavnost, ki je prevoz kontejnerskega tovora. Poudarili bomo problem praznih in ničelnih voženj, jih analizirali ter skušali najti ustrezne rešitve. V prvem poglavju bomo predstavili teoretične osnove, s katerimi se bomo srečali pri pisanju tega dela. V to poglavje bo zajeta razlaga delovnih sredstev, ki so potrebna za opravljanje prevoza kontejnerskega tovora, opisani bodo načini voženj, s katerimi se podjetje vsakodnevno srečuje, in sicer polna, prazna in ničelna vožnja, na koncu prvega poglavja pa bomo podrobneje opisali trenutno najbolj aktualne internetne borze tovora in prevozov. Poleg predstavitve bomo vključili primerjavo internetnih borz med izbranimi in jih primerjali glede na ceno, njihovo ponudbo, obseg ponudb ter zanesljivost oglasov. V drugem poglavju bomo opisali obstoječe stanje v podjetju Robnik TTS, d. o. o., kjer bomo predstavili posnetek stanja in kritično analizirali predstavljeno stanje. Opisali bomo konkreten primer in ga analizirali po različnih možnih scenarijih. S tem želimo v diplomskem delu ugotoviti, kako zapolnjenost voženj vpliva na stroške in prihodke podjetja. Kot zadnje v tem poglavju pa bomo predstavili ugotovitve, ki smo jih opazili pri analizi na konkretnih primerih. V tretjem poglavju bomo podali predloge rešitev, kako neekonomične prazne in ničelne vožnje spremeniti v polne, ekonomične vožnje. S tem želimo rešiti problem praznih in ničelnih voženj in tako pripomoči k uspešnejšemu poslovanju podjetja.


kontejnerski prevoz;analiza stanja;učinkovitost transporta;optimizacija;transportna podjetja;logistika;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FL - Faculty of Logistics
Publisher: [A. Hodnik]
UDC: 656
COBISS: 512808765 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1202
Downloads: 153
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Transport efficiency improvement
Secondary abstract: We chose the thesis, entitled ¨Improving the efficiency of transport¨, because we want to acquaint the selected company with the problem and present detailed proposals for a solution. With this, we want to achieve our goal and thus solve the perceived problem, which in turn improves the business of the company. Since we believe that there is still much room for improvement, we want this thesis to help every company that faces similar problems. In this thesis we will present the company we selected, Robnik TTS L.L.C., and their primary activity, which is transporting containerized cargo. We will highlight the problem of empty and zero runs, analyse them and try to find appropriate solutions. In the first chapter we will present the theoretical basis which we will meet during the writing of this work. The chapter will cover an interpretation of working funds that are required to perform the transport of containerized cargo, a description of different methods of trips which the company encounters every day – namely full, empty and zero runs. In the second half of the first chapter we will describe in more detail the current internet exchange of cargo and shipping. In addition to the presentation we will also include a comparison of some internet exchanges and compare them with regard to their price, their bids based on the price, number of bids and reliability of their advertisement. In the second chapter, we will describe the existing situation in the company Robnik TTS L.L.C., which will present a snapshot of the situation and critically analyse the situation presented. We will describe a concrete example and analyse it by different possible scenarios. With this, we want the thesis to determine how the capacity of the cargo runs affects the costs and revenues of the company. Finally, in this section, we will present the findings we observed in the analysis of concrete examples. In the third chapter we will present proposals for solutions on how to change uneconomic, empty and zero runs into full, economical driving. With this we, want to solve the problem of empty and zero runs and thus contribute to the successful running of the company.
Secondary keywords: container transport;analysis of the situation;transport efficiency;optimization;transport companies;logistics;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za logistiko
Pages: XII, 39 str., [1] str. pril.
ID: 9162015
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