[diplomsko delo]
Nastja Hočevar (Author), Franc Janžekovič (Mentor), Boris Kryštufek (Co-mentor)


Tema diplomskega dela je bila morfometrična analiza meljakov pri treh vrstah debelorepih skakačev, rod Pygeretmus iz različnih geografskih območij iz osrednje Azije. Analiza je potekala na vrstah P. pumilio, P. platyurus in P. zhitkovi. Vir podatkov je predstavljalo 269 primerkov spodnje čeljustnice z meljaki iz dveh muzejskih zbirk. S pomočjo geometrijske morfometrije smo analizirali sekundarni spolni dimorfizem, geografsko variabilnost in morfološko variabilnost med vrstami. Na meljakih smo določili 20 naslonskih točk, ki smo jih dalje uporabili v morfometrični analizi z uni- in multivariatnimi statističnimi metodami. Ugotovili smo, da sekundarni spolni dimorfizem ni bil izražen pri nobeni izmed vrst. Pri preverjanju morfološke variabilnosti smo ugotovili, da obstajajo razlike v velikosti in obliki meljakov med vrstami. Meljaki so največji pri vrsti P. zhitkovi, sledita ji P. pumilio in P. platyurus, ki po velikosti sodi v srednji velikostni razred vrste P. pumilio. V sklopu analize smo preverjali ali obstajajo variabilnosti v velikosti in obliki meljakov med različnimi geografskimi vzorci (OTU) in ugotovili, da so morfološke razlike meljakov glede na geografski izvor vrst izražene pri vsaki izmed treh vrst rodu Pygeretmus.


diplomska dela;Pygeretmus pumilio;Pygeretmus platyurus;Pygeretmus zhitkovi;meljaki;spodnja čeljustnica;sekundarni spolni dimorfizem;geografska variabilnost;morfološka variabilnost;geometrijska morfometrija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FNM - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Publisher: [N. Hočevar]
UDC: 599.323.3(043.2)
COBISS: 22573064 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1318
Downloads: 60
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Morphometric analysis of morals of genus Pygeretmus (Rodentia: Dipodidae)
Secondary abstract: The theme of the graduation thesis was the morphometric analysis of molars of the three species of Fat-tailed jerboa, of genus Pygeretmus from different geographical areas in central Asia. The analysis was conducted on P. pumilio, P. platyurus in P. zhitkovi. Data was gathered throught 269 samples of the lower mandible with molars from two museum collections. With the help of geometric morphometry we analyzed the secondary sexual dimorphism, the geographic variability and the morphological variabilities between species. We choose 20 ground points on the molars, which were then used in the morphometric analysis with the uni- and multivariate statistical methods. Concluding that sexual dimorphism was not expressed in any of the species. When checking for morphological variability we found that there are differences in the shape and size of the molars between species. Molars were the biggest with the species of P. zhitkovi, followed by P. pumilio in P. platyurus, which categorizes according to size in the middle class of the species P. pumilio. As part of the analysis, we examined whether the variability in size and shape of molars is expressed, between different geographical patterns (OTU) and found that morphological differences of molars depending on the geographical origin of the species are expressed in each of the three species of the genus Pygeretmus.
Secondary keywords: theses;Pygeretmus pumilio;Pygeretmus platyurus;Pygeretmus zhitkovi;molars;lower mandible;secondary sexsual dimorphism;geographical variability;morphological variability;geometrical morphometry;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za naravoslovje in matematiko, Oddelek za biologijo
Pages: VIII, 55 f.
ID: 9162068