(diplomsko delo)
Mirjana Rampre (Author), Barbara Donik (Mentor)


Ljudje komuniciramo tako verbalno kot neverbalno. Vse bolj prihaja v ospredje neverbalna komunikacija - govorica telesa, saj človek govori tudi s kretnjami rok, z držo telesa, z mimiko obraza, z dotikom. V primerih, ko človek išče pomoč v zdravstvu, je pogosto prav medicinska sestra osnovni vir pomoči bolniku, in sicer včasih kar mimogrede ob svojem delu, ko se sreča z bolnikom kot človek s človekom v medsebojnem odnosu. Pri prvem kontaktu s pacientom je zelo pomemben stik z očmi, nasmeh, pozitivna drža. Preko komunikacije medicinska sestra spoznava pacienta, pomaga mu pri doživljanju bolezni, mu je v oporo in pomoč. S pomočjo literature smo ugotovili kako pomembna je neverbalna komunikacija v zdravstveni negi ter kako neverbalna sporočila vplivajo na dober odnos z bolnikom. Opisali smo značilnosti neverbalne komunikacije in predstavili vrste neverbalnega komuniciranja. Ugotovili smo, da se zdravstveni delavci zavedamo, da je v komunikaciji z bolniki pomemben nasmeh, stik z očmi, dotik. Prav tako smo spoznali, da s poznavanjem vseh oblik neverbalne komunikacije dosegamo višjo kakovost zdravstvene nege in dobre odnose z bolniki in njihovimi svojci.


komunikacija;neverbalna komunikacija;zdravstvena nega;govorica telesa;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Publisher: [M. Rampre]
UDC: 316.454.5:616-083(043.2)
COBISS: 2248612 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3043
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Nonverbal communication in nursing
Secondary abstract: People are communicating verbal and non-verbal. In focus nowadays there is non-verbal communication (body language). People are communicating by using hands, with body position and body moves, face expressions, with touch. In situations when people are looking for help in health institutes the nurse is often first and basic source of care and information. Sometimes that belongs to the job (nurse - patient relation), sometimes like person in human to human interaction. Through this communication a nurse gives patient requested aid and all related information, helps patient to express his feelings and reactions. With help of literature we recognize the importance of non-verbal communication in nursing and how can its messages influence on good relationship with the patient. We explain the basics of non-verbal communication and different tipes of them. We recognized that all nurses are aware of non - verbal communication and also how nurses are using and showing it at their work. With knowledge and use of non-verbal communication we can achieve better quality of medical care and better relationships with patients and their relatives.
Secondary keywords: communication;non-verbal communication;nursing;body language;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: IV, 26 f.
ID: 9162109
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