magistrsko delo Management kakovosti, Management kakovosti storitev
Mateja Ramšak (Author), Matjaž Maletič (Mentor)


Magistrsko delo predstavlja implemetacijo metodologije šest sigma, s pomočjo katere smo preučili kakovostni problem določitev ustreznosti barvil za termoplastične polimerne materiale. S preučevanjem literature smo raziskali prednosti metodologije šest sigma in osnove ustreznosti barv ter ugotavljanja barvnega odstopanja. V magistrskem delu obravnavamo pristop za izboljšanje kakovosti in odpravljanje napak, ki nastanejo v procesih podjetij, ki predelujejo termoplastične polimerne materiale. Ta pristop imenujemo šest sigma, pri čemer je osrednja obravnavana metoda iz tega področja DMAIC. Raziskava je osredotočena na določitev zahtev barvil do dobavitelja in metod za ugotavljanje barvnega odstopanja, kadar predelovalci termoplastičnih polimernih materialov uporabljajo različne količine barvil oziroma »sarže«, ki jih proizvajalci barvil izdelajo v različnih proizvodnih delovnih nalogih. Pri proizvodih, ki so sestavljeni iz več polproizvodov, je barvno odstopanje zelo vidno, še posebno pri proizvodih izrazitih barv. Z implemetacijo metodologije šest sigma smo poiskali ustrezne metode za kakovostno določanje ustreznosti barv, ki prispevajo k boljši kakovosti različnih sarž barvil ter posledično zmanjšanju stroškov za (ne)kakovost, kot so stroški izmeta v proizvodnji ter reklamacije do dobaviteljev barvil. Vizualna ocena barve nam omogoča določiti pogojno enakost barvnih učinkov. S pomočjo svetlobne kabine osvetlimo proizvode s svetlobo različne barvne temperature. Opazovalec izvede kontrolo kakovosti z ugotavljanjem odstopanja barv, ki so podane v obliki ploščic barvil. Instrumentalna ocena barve omogoča objektivno identifikacijo odnosa med barvami in s tem kontrolo kakovosti ploščic barvil. Merjenje barv po standardu CIE temelji na merjenju refleksije ploščic barvil v vidnem spektru svetlobe.


kakovost;šest sigma;kontrola kakovosti;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [M. Ramšak]
UDC: 005.336.3
COBISS: 7798803 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1106
Downloads: 127
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Optimization of the process for suitability of masterbatches for thermoplastic polymer materials using Six Sigma methodology
Secondary abstract: The thesis is focused on implementation of Six Sigma methodology approach in a case of handling the quality issue of determining the suitability of colorants for thermoplastic polymer materials. Six Sigma methodology downsides and advantages for tackling issues of colorant evaluation were investigated by studying significant world literature from this field of practice. The thesis introduces Six Sigma approach for handling the thermoplastic polymer colorants related issues, with the aim to improve the quality and eliminate future errors. DMAIC is the key method used for this purpose. The primary focus of the study is to identify the technical requirements for thermoplastic polymer colorants as well as to determine the quality inspection methods for colour deviation detection. The colour deviation issues come forward when thermoplastic materials are mixed with assigned colorant and then processed. Main sources of deviations are quantity of colorant added and the batch from which colorant or thermoplastic material are used. Certain colours amplify the deviation issue. Six Sigma approach provided an appropriate methods for quality inspection of colorants. This reflects itself in a better quality of final product and consequently reduces the cost of non - quality like scrap or customer complaints. Evaluation made by visual inspection of colorant samples allows comparative decision about the final product quality. Accordingly, illumination cabin and colour etalons are prescribed as a method for quality inspection. Aligning quality inspection procedure with CIE standard, which involves also the usage of prescribed instrument (illumination cabinet), increases evaluation objectivity.
Secondary keywords: Quality;Six Sigma;DMAIC;Quality control;Colorant;Thermoplastic polymers.;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: 97 f.
ID: 9164833
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