diplomsko delo
Diplomska naloga prikazuje dogajanje v lavantinski škofiji med leti 1928 in 1935 v luči takrat izhajajočih slovenskih časnikov Slovenskega gospodarja, Slovenca in Mariborskega večernika "Jutra" ter uradnega glasila škofije, t. j. Oglasnika lavantinske škofije. Naloga je strukturirana iz dveh delov. V prvem, uvodnem delu, je na podlagi strokovne in znanstvene literature predstavljena zgodovina škofije od njenega nastanka do leta 1928, navedeni so osnovni podatki o škofiji med leti 1928 in 1935 in prikazano je politično dogajanje v državi v istem obdobju. V drugem, osrednjem delu diplomske naloge, pa so predvsem na podlagi člankov iz izbranih slovenskih časnikov predstavljeni odmevnejši dogodki, ki so v obravnavanem obdobju zaznamovali življenje v škofiji. Tako se naloga najprej dotakne praznovanja 700-letnice ustanovitve škofije. Nato se posveti škofu Andreju Karlinu, ki je v obravnavanem obdobju praznoval več pomembnih jubilejev, nakar je 5. aprila 1933 umrl. Njegovega pogreba se je udeležilo več tisoč vernikov iz vse škofije. V nadaljevanju spregovori o Ivanu Jožefu Tomažiču, ki je leta 1928 postal pomožni, leta 1933 pa redni škof lavantinske škofije. Za tem obravnava evharistični kongres, ki se je od 7. do 8. septembra 1934 odvijal v Mariboru. Nato se posveti II. evharističnemu kongresu za Jugoslavijo, ki je bil namenjen vsem katoličanom v Kraljevini Jugoslaviji in je od 28. do 30. junija 1935 potekal v Ljubljani. V večmesečne priprave na ta kongres je bila vključena tudi lavantinska škofija, verniki iz te škofije pa so se v velikem številu udeležili tudi samih osrednjih prireditev v Ljubljani. Nazadnje pa je prikazano, kako so v obravnavanem obdobju delovali bogoslovje in bogoslovna šola ter dijaško semenišče v Mariboru.
diplomska dela;lavantinska škofija;evharistični kongres v Mariboru;2. evharistični kongres za Jugoslavijo;bogoslovja;bogoslovne šole;Karlin;Andrej;1857-1933;Tomažič;Ivan Jožef;1879-1949;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2016 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM FF - Faculty of Arts |
Publisher: |
[E. Holcman] |
UDC: |
27-772(497.412)"1928/1935":070(043.2) |
Views: |
1166 |
Downloads: |
123 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Lavantine diocese in the years 1928 to 1935 as seen by selected newspapers |
Secondary abstract: |
The thesis explains events in Lavantine diocese in the years 1928 to 1935 as seen by selected newspapers Slovenski gospodar, Slovenec, Mariborski večernik »Jutra« and official newsletter of the Lavantine diocese, Oglasnik lavantinske škofije. The thesis is divided in two sections. The first, introductory, section is based on scientific and expert literature and presents the history of the diocese from its formation to year 1928. It presents the basic data about the diocese and the political developments in the state in the discussed historical time. In the second, central, part of the thesis, the main, important events which marked the life in diocese in discussed period are introduced as mainly seen by newspaper articles from chosen Slovene newspapers. At the beginning of this part the thesis points to the celebration of 700 years from the diocese establishment. Then it applies to the bishop Andrej Karlin who celebrated many important anniversaries in the considered period. He died on April 5th, 1933. His funeral was attended by more than a thousand religious people from the diocese. In continuation, the thesis discusses Ivan Jožef Tomažič who became auxiliary bishop in 1928 and a full bishop of Lavantine diocese in 1933. Then the Eucharistic Congress held in Maribor between 7th and 8th September 1934 is considered. The thesis then concentrates on the IInd Eucharistic Congress for Yugoslavia which was held in Ljubljana between 28th and 30th June 1935 and was intended for all the catholic believers in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. The Lavantine diocese was included in the preparations which lasted several months and catholic believers from all parts of the diocese have attended the central events in Ljubljana in large numbers. The last part presents how the theological seminary, the school of theology and the minor seminary in Maribor operated. |
Secondary keywords: |
theses;Lavantine diocese;Eucharistic Congress in Maribor;2nd Eucharistic Congress for Yugoslavia;theological seminaries;schools of theology; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za zgodovino |
Pages: |
II, 82 f. |
ID: |
9164996 |