(diplomsko delo)
Klavdija Šlebnik (Author), Miljenko Križmarić (Mentor), Marija Menih (Co-mentor)


V diplomskem delu smo raziskovali, kakšne so hemodinamične spremembe med testom avtonomnega živčevja z nagibno mizo. Namen diplomskega dela je opisati in predstaviti izvedbo testa z nagibno mizo ter obdelati pridobljene podatke, ki kažejo hemodinamične spremembe telesa med testom z nagibno mizo. Opisali smo vlogo avtonomnega živčevja, sinkopo in testiranje z nagibno mizo. Rezultate smo pridobivali z izvedbo testiranja avtonomnega živčevja s profesionalno nagibno mizo in zbiranjem rezultatov na profesionalni diagnostični napravi Task Force® Monitor. Testiranja smo izvedli na zdravih prostovoljcih, ki v preteklosti še niso imeli epizode izgube zavesti. Pridobljene rezultate med testom avtonomnega živčevja z nagibno mizo smo predstavili po posameznih sklopih hemodinamičnih sprememb. Ugotovili smo, da se je stanje po spustu preiskovanca iz dvignjenega položaja uravnavalo na začetne vrednosti, saj je razlika v vrednostih med vodoravnim položajem pred počitkom in vodoravnim položajem po spustu primerljiva. Med začetnim in končnim vodoravnim položajem preiskovanca smo ugotovili razliko med povprečno izmerjenimi vrednostmi v frekvenci srca od -0,9 do 4,6 utripa/min in razliko v povprečnih izmerjenih vrednostih srednjega krvnega tlaka od -16,8 do 9,7 mmHg. Med začetnim vodoravnim položajem in pasivnim dvigom preiskovanca pod kotom 60° smo ugotovili razliko med povprečno izmerjenimi vrednostmi v frekvenci srca od 0,3 do 16,4 utripa/min in razliko v povprečnih izmerjenih vrednostih srednjega krvnega tlaka od -3,9 do 34,3 mmHg. Med pasivnim dvigom preiskovanca pod kotom 60° in končnim vodoravnim položajem preiskovanca smo ugotovili razliko med povprečno izmerjenimi vrednostmi v frekvenci srca od -13,6 do 4,3 utripa/min in razliko v povprečnih izmerjenih vrednostih srednjega krvnega tlaka od -53,6 do 13,6 mmHg. Za nadgradnjo diplomskega dela predlagamo, naj se testiranje opravi na večjem številu prostovoljcev, in dodatno širšo razdelitev predstavitve rezultatov na preiskovance, pri katerih je bila izzvana sinkopa, in preiskovance, pri katerih sinkopa ni bila izzvana.


nagibna miza;test z nagibno mizo;test nenadne izgube zavesti;testiranje avtonomnega živčnega sistema;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Publisher: [K. Šlebnik]
UDC: 616.83:544.07(043.2)
COBISS: 2264996 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1934
Downloads: 157
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: In this thesis we have studied the hemodynamic changes of the autonomic nervous system during a head-up tilt test. The aim was to describe and to demonstrate the head-up tilt test, as well as process and present the obtained data on hemodynamic changes in the body during the head-up tilt test. The roles of the autonomic nervous system, the syncope and the tilt table testing were described. The results were obtained via a professional tilt table and the professional diagnostic device Task Force® Monitor. Tests were performed on healthy volunteers, who have not had any episodes of loss of consciousness in the past. The results obtained during the head-up tilt test were presented in individual sections of the hemodynamic changes. It became noticeable that the differences in values of the initial horizontal position and horizontal position after descending are comparable, because the value after the descent of the patient from a raised position adjusted to the level of the initial horizontal position. During the initial and final horizontal position of the patient, the difference between the average measured values of heart rate were between -0.9 to 4.6 beats per minute and the difference in the measured average value of the mean blood pressure was -16.8 to 9.7 mm Hg. During the initial horizontal position and 60° angle head-up passive lift of the patient, the difference between the average measured values in heart rate were between 0,3 and 16,4 beats per minute and the difference in the measured average value of the mean blood pressure was between -3,9 and 34,3 mm Hg. During the 60° angle head-up passive lift and final horizontal position of the patient, the difference between the average measured values of heart rate was between -13,6 and 4,3 beats a minute and the difference in the measured average value of the mean blood pressure was between -53,6 and 13,6 mm Hg. To upgrade this thesis, we suggest more volunteers and an additional wider presentation of the results divided into patients where a syncope was provoked and where the syncope was not provoked.
Secondary keywords: tilt table;head-up tilt test;syncope testing;autonomic nervous system testing;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: 39 f., 1 f. pril.
ID: 9165269