magistrsko delo
Tjaša Zupanič (Author), Mojca Juriševič (Mentor)


Učitelji se med svojo poklicno potjo srečujejo z različnimi učenci, med katerimi so tudi nadarjeni. Naloga učitelja je, da nadarjenim in tudi preostalim učencem omogoči optimalen razvoj njihovih učnih potencialov. V teoretičnem delu sem najprej opredelila pojem nadarjenosti, nato pa predstavila nadarjene učence, njihove lastnosti in značilnosti. Na kratko sem se posvetila postopkom prepoznavanja nadarjenih. V nadaljevanju sem se osredinila predvsem na pomembnost dela z nadarjenimi učenci, delo z njimi in na opredelitev tega problema v slovenski zakonodaji. Na kratko sem se dotaknila tudi učiteljev nadarjenih učencev – njihovih lastnosti in nalog. Empirično raziskavo sem izvedla na vzorcu 450 učiteljev razrednega pouka, ki so za namen magistrskega dela izpolnili anketni vprašalnik. V empiričnem delu me je zanimalo, kako razredni učitelji ocenjujejo stanje glede skrbi za nadarjene učence v naši osnovni šoli, kaj zanje pomeni delo z nadarjenimi, kako usposobljeni se počutijo na tem področju in katere pomanjkljivosti še opažajo pri vzgojno-izobraževalnem delu z nadarjenimi. Izsledki magistrske raziskave so pokazali, da se učitelji v večini zavedajo pomembnosti prilagojenega vzgojno-izobraževalnega dela z nadarjenimi učenci, opozarjajo pa na večjo zahtevnost pedagoškega dela z nadarjenimi in večjo lastno odgovornost. Ker učitelji razrednega pouka menijo, da med študijem niso pridobili dovolj znanja s področja vzgoje in izobraževanja nadarjenih učencev, bi bile na tem mestu potrebne spremembe že v sistemu izobraževanja učiteljev za pedagoško delo s to skupino učencev. Zaradi preteklih slabih izkušenj z dodatnimi izobraževanji se učitelji redko odločajo za izobraževanja, čeprav jih ocenjujejo kot koristna in si želijo pridobiti znanje s tega področja. Želijo izvedeti predvsem več o prilagoditvah dela za nadarjene, obogatitvenih dejavnostih ter o svetovanju in motiviranju nadarjenih na splošno. Glavna pomanjkljivost, s katero se srečujejo učitelji pri pripravi pouka in prilagoditev za nadarjene, je predvsem pomanjkanje časa. Večina učiteljev se strinja, da so učinki dela z nadarjenimi vidni tudi pri učencih. Ti imajo več osebnega zadovoljstva, dosegajo dobre učne rezultate, so bolj motivirani za delo in odgovornejši do šolskega dela. Te ugotovitve nam kažejo pozitivne učinke vzgojno-izobraževalnega dela z nadarjenimi učenci.


nadarjeni učenci;oblike dela;individualizacija;diferenciacija;individualiziran program;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [T. Zupanič]
COBISS: 11121993 Link will open in a new window
Views: 984
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Teachers' educational work with gifted students of first and second triad of primary school
Secondary abstract: During their career teachers encounter various students, including those who are gifted. The task of the teacher is that he enables the development of every student's potential and treats every student in the same way. In the theoretical part I defined the concept of talent and then introduced the gifted students, their attributes and their characteristics. I also focused on the process of identifying talented students. Later, I focused mainly on the importance of working with gifted pupils, the nature of working with them, and the definition of this problem in the Slovenian legislation. I also touched on the teachers of the gifted students - their attributes and tasks. I conducted the empirical research on a sample of 450 primary school teachers who have, for the purpose of the master's thesis, filled a questionnaire. In the empirical research I was interested in how class teachers assess the situation regarding the care for gifted children in our elementary school, what working with talented students means to them, how qualified they feel in this field of work, and what shortcomings they have observed in educational work with talented students. The results of the master's thesis showed that teachers are mostly aware of the importance of personalized educational work with gifted students, but they are warning about the increased complexity of pedagogical work with talented students and greater personal responsibility. Because class teachers believe that they did not gain enough knowledge in the field of education of talented students during their education, changes in the system of educating teachers for pedagogical work with this group of students would be necessary. Due to past negative experiences with further education programs teachers rarely opt for education, even though they view them as helpful and are eager to obtain knowledge in this field. They want to learn more about particular adjustments about working with talented students, enriching activities, and about advising and motivating talented students in general. The main disadvantage faced by teachers in preparing lessons and adapting them for talented students is the lack of time. Most teachers agree that the effects of working with gifted students are visible among pupils. They have more personal satisfaction, achieve good learning achievements, are more motivated for work and are more responsible about their school work. These findings show us the positive effects of educational work with gifted students.
Secondary keywords: primary education;gifted;individual work;osnovnošolski pouk;nadarjeni;individualno delo;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Poučevanje na razredni stopnji
Pages: 47 str.
ID: 9165374