magistrsko delo
Alenka Mujdrica Rožman (Author), Mitja Kaligarič (Mentor), Nina Šajna (Co-mentor)


Zaradi bogate zastopanosti evolucijsko zaokrožene in izredno divergirane skupine kobulnic na stičišču Srednje Evrope, Dinaridov in Alp ter Sredozemlja (Slovenija) smo se odločili poiskati povezavo med funkcionalnimi tipi in ekološkimi strategijami (izmerjenimi na osnovi morfološko-funkcionalnih potez) ter alelopatskim potencialom. Raziskava temelji na 41 izbranih vrstah kobulnic in proučevanju 13 morfološko-funkcionalnih potez teh rastlin in njihovimi alelopatskimi potenciali. Vzorčenje rastlin je potekalo na območju celotne Slovenije. Rezultati kažejo, da so izbrane kobulnice povečini hemikriptofiti (82,9 %), trajnice (73,2 %), prevladuje listnato ozelenelo steblo (92,6 %), so brez pritlik (85,3 %), povečini niso dlakave (60,9 %), največ jih zacveti v juniju (36,5 %) in juliju (46,3%) in večina konča cvetenje avgusta (51,2 %). V povprečju cvetijo 2 (39 %) ali 4 (34,1 %) mesece. Povprečne vrednosti SLA kažejo trend zviševanja z višino kobulnic. Povprečne vrednosti LDMC pokažejo trend zniževanja vrednosti LDMC z višanjem višine izbranih kobulnic. Korelacija pri visokih, srednje visokih in nizkih kobulnicah med vrednostjo LDMC in SLA kaže podoben trend nižanja vrednosti LDMC z naraščanjem vrednosti SLA. Rastlinskim vrstam smo določili 5 od 19 funkcionalnih tipov CSR- strategij: CR (39 %), C/CR (37 %), C (17 %) SC in S/SC v sledeh. Na osnovi naše raziskave lahko povzamemo, da imajo visoke kobulnice (120-180 cm) z velikimi listi C/CR-, CR- ali C- strategijo in potencialni alelopatski učinek. Nizke kobulnice (30-80 cm) z majhno listno povšino imajo CR- in CS- strategijo. Za te rastline ne moremo trditi, da nimajo potencialnega alelopatskega učinka. Alelopatski testi vodotopnih in hlapljivih substanc so pokazali, da imajo kobulnice povečini alelopatske učinke. Kobulnica Bupleurum veronense je edina, kateri nismo dokazali alelopatskih učinkovin. Potencialni alelopatski učinek pri kobulnicah lahko povežemo z odvisnostjo od višine rastlin, njihovo življenjsko obliko in življenjskim ciklom. Na zaviranje rasti drugih rastlin najbolj vplivajo kobulnice, ki so CR- strategi.


morfološko-funkcionalne poteze rastlin;CSR-strategije;alelopatija;Rastlinstvo;Magistrske naloge;Ekologija rastlin;Funkcionalni tipi;Kobulnice;Apiaceae;Ekološke strategije;Alelopatski učinki;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FNM - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Publisher: [A. Mujdrica Rožman]
UDC: 581.5:582.893(043.2)
COBISS: 22534408 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1297
Downloads: 140
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Relation between morphological traits and potential allelopathic effect of umbellifers (Apiaceae)
Secondary abstract: The variety of the evolutionary completed, extremely diverse group of Umbelliferous plants at the crossroads of Central Europe, Dinarides, Alps and the Mediterranean (Slovenia), we decided to correlate the functional types and ecological strategies (measured morphological and functional traits) and allelopathic potential. The study is based on 41 selected species of Umbellifers assessings 13 morphological and functional plant traits and their allelopathic potential. Sampling of plants took place across Slovenia. The results show that the selected Umbellifers are mostly hemikryptofits (82,9 %), perennials (73,2 %), have green leafs on the stem (92,6 %), without stolon (85,3 %), largely non-hairy (60,9 %), most of them bloom in June (36,5 %) and July (46,3 %) and most of them ends flowering in August (51,2 %). On average bloom 2 (39 %), and 4 (34,1 %) months. Average values SLA show a trend of increasing with the height of the Umbellifers. Average values LDMC show a trend of decline in the value LDMC by increasing the height of the selected Umbellifers. The correlation between value LDMC and SLA shows a similar trend of decline for high, midle and small Umbellifers. We determined 5 of 19 functional types - CSR strategies: CR (39 %), C/CR (37 %), C (17 %) SC and S/SC in traces. Based on our research, we can conclude that the large Umbellifers with large leaves have C/CR, CR or C strategy and allelopathic potential. Low Umbellifers with a small leaf have CR and CS strategy. For these plants it can not be said that they don't have allelopathic effect. Allelopathic tests of water-soluble and volatile substances are shown that the Umbellifers have mostly allelopathic effects. Bupleurum veronense is the only one where we didn't show allelopathic potencial. Allelopathic effect in Umbellifers can be associated with dependence on the height of the plants, their form of life and life cycle. Inhibition on the growth of other plants is most affected by Umbellifers whit CR strategy.
Secondary keywords: master theses;Apiaceae;plant morphological-physiological traits;CSR strategy;allelopathy;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za naravoslovje in matematiko, Oddelek za biologijo
Pages: IX, 56 f.
ID: 9165463