diplomski projekt


V današnjem času se morajo podjetja, ki želijo konkurirati na trgu, prilagajati potrebam in željam vse bolj zahtevnih odjemalcev. Kar pomeni, da morajo oblikovati izdelke tako, da bodo zadovoljili odjemalčeve potrebe, saj bodo v nasprotnem primeru odjemalci odšli h konkurenci. Pri nakupu mobilne naprave lahko igra dizajn izdelka pomembno vlogo. Pri tem ne mislimo samo na to, da se odjemalec odloči za nakup zaradi videza mobilne naprave, ampak tudi, kakšne funkcionalne koristi mu izdelek nudi (ergonomična oblika izdelka, lažje rokovanje z izdelkom, enostavno razumevanje informacij itd.). V diplomskem projektu bomo predstavili teoretični del, kjer bomo v poglavju izdelek opredelili sam izraz ter nekaj njegovih sestavin, nato pa bomo v poglavju zaznavanje dizajna mobilnih naprav predstavili pet ključnih dimenzij dizajna za mobilne naprave, ki jih bomo uporabili za namen raziskave. V empiričnem delu bomo predstavili kvantitativno raziskavo, katere osnovni namen je bil ugotoviti, kako odjemalci zaznavajo dimenzije dizajna mobilnih naprav. Najprej nas je zanimala pomembnost teh dimenzij, nato pa, kako odjemalci zaznavajo te dimenzije na svojih mobilnih napravah. Za namen raziskave smo si zastavili štiri hipoteze, ki smo jih med raziskavo preverili. Ugotovili smo, da je manj kot 50 % respondentom dizajn pomemben dejavnik za nakup mobilne naprave. Nato smo ugotovili, da med spoloma ni bistvenih razlik pri zaznavanju vizualnega dizajna. Ugotovili smo tudi, da je izmed vseh dimenzij zaznavanja dizajna mobilnih naprav, respondentom najpomembnejši dizajn uporabniškega vmesnika ter da uporabniki blagovne znamke Apple zaznavajo funkcionalni dizajn bolj pozitivno kot uporabniki blagovne znamke Samsung.


vedenje porabnikov;nakupno odločanje;izdelki;mobilne naprave;dizajn;zaznavanje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [S. Korošak]
UDC: 658.89:621.395.721.5
COBISS: 12615196 Link will open in a new window
Views: 951
Downloads: 87
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Consumer design perception for mobile devices
Secondary abstract: Today, companies that want to be competitive, have to adjust to more and more demanding consumers. To avoid customer loss, companies have to design products that please consumers’ needs. Product design plays an important role when purchasing a mobile device. This does not only mean that the consumer decides to purchase the product based on its appearance, it also refers to the functional benefits that a product provides (ergonomic product design, easier handling, easy to understand information etc.). The bachelor project consists of a theoretical part, where we are going to focus on the term product and some of its components, followed by a chapter on design perception of mobile devices, where we are going to focus on five crucial dimensions of mobile design that are going to be used for the purpose of this research. The empirical part consists of a quantitative survey, with which we wanted to identify, how consumers perceive different dimensions of mobile design. First, we wanted to determine the importance of the dimensions for the consumers, and later on find out, how consumers perceive these dimensions on their mobile devices. For the purpose of this research, we formulated four hypotheses, which we verified through our research. We found out that less than 50 % of respondents do care about mobile design when purchasing a mobile device. In addition to that, we also found out that the perception of visual design is not gender related, that the dimension of mobile design perception that the respondents care about most is user interface design, as well as that Apple users perceive functional design more positive than Samsung users.
Secondary keywords: design;design perceptions;mobile devices;consumer;survey;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II, 40 str., 4 str. pril.
ID: 9165503
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