magistrsko delo Management informacijskih sistemov, Sistemi za podporo odločanju
Pika Škraba (Author), Andreja Pucihar (Mentor)


V magistrskem delu je predstavljeno upravljanje v procesu izdajanja znanstvene revije ter učinek uvedbe spletnega uredniškega sistema na skrajševanje časa potrebnega za uredniško odločitev za posamezni prejeti članek. Izvedeno je bilo načrtovanje, izbira, uvedba in uporaba spletnega uredniškega sistema. Za celovito oceno uvedbe spletnega uredniškega sistema je bilo izvedeno prilagajanje sistema za obravnavano znanstveno revijo, uvajanje zaposlenih ter strukturiranje podatkov o recenzijskem postopku, časov od oddaje članka do končne odločitve za članek. Izvedena je primerjava časov izvedbe recenzijskega postopka posameznih zaporednih let in obdobja pred uvedbo spletnega uredniškega sistema (2009-2011) ter obdobja po uvedbi spletnega uredniškega sistema (2012-2014). Predstavljeno je statistično testiranje hipotez, s katerimi smo potrdili uspešnost uvedbe spletnega uredniškega sistema ter vpliv le-tega na učinkovitost uredniškega dela. Opredelili smo dejavnike, ki zagotavljajo hitrejše in kvalitetnejše ter lažje in učinkovitejše upravljanje v procesu izdajanja znanstvene revije. Analizirali smo kakovostni vidik recenzijskega postopka in podali smernice izboljšav za višanje kakovosti recenzijskega postopka. V magistrskem delu so podani tudi izsledki analize upravljanja s pomočjo spletnega uredniškega sistema ter smernice za reševanje podobnih primerov v praksi.


recenzijski proces;uredniški proces;znanstvena revija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [P. Škraba]
UDC: 005.5
COBISS: 7799315 Link will open in a new window
Views: 807
Downloads: 66
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Analysis of the Impact of the Implementation of an Online Editorial System for Scientific Journals on the Performance of the Editorial Process
Secondary abstract: The present master’s thesis addresses the management of the process of the publication of scientific journals and the impact of the online editorial system implementation on the time needed for the editorial decision-making process. When introducing the web editorial system, several phases of implementation were investigated; planning, selection of an adequate system, implementation, and motivation of employees. Afterwards, some system adjustments were conducted, and collection of the data on the structural review process was performed in order to evaluate the implementation of the web editorial system. The review period of consecutive years (2009 to 2014), specifically the periods before implementation (2009-2011) and after implementation (2012-2014), were considered for the review process efficiency evaluation. Several hypotheses were tested, which can provide the insight to the impact of the online editorial system on the overall effectiveness of the editorial organization. Several criteria, critical for faster and better quality of scientific journal editorial workflow, have been defined. Qualitative analysis of the review process has been performed, and some guidelines for process improvement have been discussed. In this thesis, some conclusions are given considering the implementation of web editorial systems. Some guidelines for further improvements are elaborated.
Secondary keywords: peer-review process;editorial process;online editorial system;review process efficiency;scientific journal;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: 62 f.
ID: 9165541
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