diplomski projekt
David Svenšek (Author), Sonja Sibila Lebe (Mentor)


V diplomskem delu smo predstavili in analizirali ponudbo razvedrila v turistični ponudbi Čakovca, majhnega mesta na severu Hrvaške. V prvem poglavju smo opredelili temo diplomskega dela in na kratko opisali pomen turizma ter razvedrila v našem vsakdanjem življenju. V podpoglavjih smo opredelili problem, katerega obravnavamo v diplomskem delu: nezadostna izkoriščenost potenciala za pestro ponudbo razvedrila v mestu Čakovec. Nato smo opredelili tudi namen in cilje diplomskega dela in navedli hipoteze raziskave, določili predpostavke in omejitve ter navedli predvidene metode raziskovanja. V drugem poglavju smo opredelili turizem in pomembni element turizma – razvedrilo ter zadovoljstvo odjemalcev. S pomočjo tujih misli in spoznanj smo navedli definicije turizma in razvedrila ter opisali njihovo medsebojno povezanost. V tretjem poglavju smo opredelili in analizirali ponudbo razvedrila v Čakovcu. Na začetku poglavja smo na kratko predstavili Čakovec. Našteli smo in na kratko opisali tudi njegove glavne znamenitosti ter ostale objekte, pomembne v turizmu. V podpoglavjih smo opredelili in podrobno analizirali glavne atribute razvedrila v turistični ponudbi Čakovca, med ostalimi tudi znano manifestacijo Porcijunkulovo ter zgodovinski Stari grad Čakovec. S pomočjo slik smo bralcu predstavili, kako Čakovec izgleda. V četrtem poglavju smo s pomočjo intervjuja, ki smo ga izvedli v Čakovcu, analizirali kakovost ponudbe razvedrila in zadovoljstva turistov. Cilj intervjuja je bil pridobiti čim več podatkov intervjuvancev, s katerimi bi lahko naredili čim bolj popolno analizo ponudbe razvedrila v turistični ponudbi Čakovca. V intervjuju je sodelovalo 20 ljudi. Namen intervjuja je bil, da ocenimo, ali so naše teze potrjene ali zavrnjene.


turizem;razvedrilo;turistična ponudba;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [D. Svenšek]
UDC: 338.48(043.2)
COBISS: 12630556 Link will open in a new window
Views: 945
Downloads: 97
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂanalysis of leisure in the tourism offer of Čakovec
Secondary abstract: In thesis we have presented and analysed leisure in the tourism offer of Čakovec, a small town in the north of Croatia. In the first chapter we have specified the theme of our thesis and briefly described the meaning of tourism and leisure in our everyday life. In the subchapters we identified the problem thesis deals with: the insufficient utilization of potential for diverse leisure offer of Čakovec. We have specified the intention and the main goals of the thesis, specified the hypotheses, defined assumptions and limitations and stated planned research methods. In the second chapter defined tourism and the importance of leisure, as well as customer satisfaction. From insights of experts in the field, we provided the meaning of tourism and leisure as well as the connection between them. In the third chapter we defined and analysed the leisure offer of Čakovec. At the beginning of the chapter we briefly introduced Čakovec. We have listed and shortly described it’s main attractions and other landmarks of high importance for tourism. We have done an in-depth analysis and specified the main attributes of leisure in the tourism offer of Čakovec, among others the well known manifestation »Porcijunkulovo« as well as historical Old town Čakovec. With the help of pictures we have illustrated how Čakovec looks like. With the help of the interview we have analysed the quality of leisure offer and tourist satisfaction in chapter four. The main goal of the interview was to collect as much data as possible, which would help us make a complete analysis of leisure in the tourism offer of Čakovec. 20 people participated in the interview. The purpose of the interview was to assess if our hypothesis were confirmed or rejected.
Secondary keywords: Čakovec;tourism;leisure;tourism offer;analysis;interview;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II, 33 str., 2 str. pril.
ID: 9165559
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