diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijskega programa
V diplomskem delu smo želeli prikazati vplive migrantske krize v Evropi na transportna podjetja v Sloveniji. Osredotočili smo se na posledice pri transportu blaga na evropskih transportnih poteh. Zato smo tematiko diplomskega dela omejili zgolj na območje Evrope, saj ima begunska kriza tukaj največji vpliv. V raziskavo smo zajeli slovenska transportna podjetja, ki poslujejo z državami, na katere je migrantska kriza imela največji vpliv. To so predvsem članice Evropske unije in podpisnice Schengenskega sporazuma. Podatke smo pridobili na osnovi ankete, ki smo jo poslali slovenskim podjetjem z logističnimi dejavnostmi. Izbirali smo transportna podjetja s poslovanjem in sodelovanjem na nivoju mednarodnega transporta. Z anketo smo pridobili podatke, ki predstavljajo konkretne primere. Želeli smo ugotoviti, v katerih segmentih se je vpliv migrantske krize odražal. Ker so se pojavile nekatere vzporednice med migrantsko krizo in obdobjem pred vstopom v Schengensko območje, smo raziskovali še pomen Schengenskega sporazuma. Izidi so osnovani na podatkih iz ankete, ki so pokazali, da migrantsko krizo in njen vpliv občuti okoli tretjina transportnih podjetij. To se odraža predvsem na dodatnih stroških porabe vozil, stroških zaposlenih, daljših dostavnih časih in drugih posledicah. Pristop Slovenije k Schengenskemu sporazumu je imel na transportna podjetja v večini pozitivne učinke. Podjetja so si enotna v oceni, da bi ponovna uveljavitev mejnih kontrol na notranjih mejah EU povišala stroške poslovanja podjetja.
migrantska kriza;posledice krize;transportne poti;transportna podjetja;logistika;diplomske naloge;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2016 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM FL - Faculty of Logistics |
Publisher: |
[G. Bratina] |
UDC: |
656.1 |
Views: |
958 |
Downloads: |
140 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Impact of migrant crisis on transporters |
Secondary abstract: |
In present work our goal was to present the impact of migrant crisis in Europe on the transportation companies in Slovenia. The focus was on consequences of goods distribution on European transportation routes. The research was limited to the area of European Union since the impact of migrant crisis in this area is significant. Among all Slovenian transportation companies, only those which collaborate with countries where migrant crisis has the most significant impact, were included in our research. These countries affected are members of European Union and Schengen agreement. The data for our research was acquired by the web survey sent to the Slovenian transportation companies with international logistics activities. The aim of survey was to gain the data based on real cases. Our goal was to find out on which segments the migrant crisis has its highest impact. Some similarity in the consequences between the impact of migrant crisis and the time before Slovenia entered the Schengen zone was discovered. The results are showing that approximately one third of companies are impacted by the consequences of migrant crisis. Most of companies are describing the consequences in form higher fuel consumption, higher cost of employees, longer distribution times, delays etc. Schengen agreement has many positive economic effects on Slovenian transportation companies. Companies agree that re-establishing of the internal border controls in EU will rise the costs of company. |
Secondary keywords: |
migrant crisis;crisis consequences;transport routes;transport companies;logistics; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Bachelor thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za logistiko |
Pages: |
VII, 50 str., [1] str. pril. |
ID: |
9165724 |