diplomsko delo
Patrik Matjaž (Author), Janja Hojnik (Mentor)


Evropska služba za zunanje delovanje (v nadaljevanju ESZD) je nova diplomatska struktura EU, ki se je vzpostavila v postlizbonskem obdobju. Predstavlja diplomatsko organizacijo, ki skrbi za področje zunanje politike Evropske unije (v nadaljevanju EU) in jo oskrbuje s potrebnimi informacijami, zadevajočimi zunanjepolitično področje. ESZD je sestavljena iz dveh delov, in sicer jo tvori služba (neke vrste ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve) in diplomatska mreža (delegacije EU, vključene v institucionalni ustroj ESZD). Osnovna naloga ESZD je podpora predvsem pri delovanju Visokega predstavnika in ostalih akterjev na področju zunanje politike EU. Čeprav ima tudi sama nekaj avtonomnosti. Služba je s pravnega področja sui generis, torej posebne vrste, saj njene organizacije v pravu EU ni mogoče primerjati s katerim koli drugim podobnim telesom, zato jo imamo lahko za precedenčen primer. Prav ta njen pravni položaj je v diplomskem delu podrobneje raziskan. Pravni položaj ESZD je zaradi različnih predvsem političnih razlogov nejasen, ta neurejenost in nejasnost pa službi, ki je že po sami strukturi zapletena, gotovo ne koristiti. Za razumevanje na novo nastale službe je nujno potrebna analiza z njeno umestitvijo v pravno–institucionalni okvir. V diplomskem delu so tako predstavljene njene lastnosti, njen razvoj, sistem delovanje ter morebitna pravna subjektiviteta ter s tem povezana možnost ESZD nastopati pred sodišči EU.


diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [P. Matjaž]
UDC: 341(043.2)
COBISS: 5266987 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1607
Downloads: 122
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: European external action service (EEAS) is a new diplomatic structure, that was set up after the Lisbon treaty. It represents the diplomatic organization of the European Union, and covers the field of EU foreign policy. The Service provides the EU with all needed information concerning its foreign policy. By internal organization the EEAS is divided into two parts, the service (some kind of ministry of foreign affairs) and the diplomatic network (the delegations EU under the EEAS). Main objective of the EEAS is to support the High representative in exercising her tasks in the field of EU's foreign policy, but it should also support other EU institutions with exercising of their tasks in foreign affairs. Nevertheless in its line of work, the Service also has some of its own autonomy. From legal point of view the service is of a sui generis nature, it is one of a kind, since in the EU no other body is organized in a similar way. So legal status of the Service is thoroughly analyzed in this paper. Its legal status remains obscure, mainly due to political reasons, and this confusion regarding the status of a service, which is by its very structure complicated, sure does no good to it. To understand the Service better a study of EEAS legal prospective, thought its placement in the legal-institutional framework is necessary. So the paper reviews its properties, its evolution, its functioning and its potential legal personality and its related capacity to be a party before the courts of the EU.
Secondary keywords: European External Action Service;European union law;Legal framework;Diplomacy;European union courts;European union;Treaty of Lisbon;Common foreign and security policy.;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Pages: 49 f.
ID: 9165798
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