magistrsko delo
Azra Selimanović (Author), Janez Krek (Mentor)


Magistrsko delo obravnava zlorabo otrok v družini. V zdajšnjem času je otrok obravnavan enakopravno kot odrasli. Ima svoje pravice, ki so zapisane v Deklaraciji in Konvenciji OZN o otrokovih pravicah, deležen pa je tudi skrbi, vzgoje in izobraževanja odraslih. Svet je postal občutljivejši na nasilje, zato so nastale različne organizacije, ki se borijo proti njemu. V magistrskem delu sem najprej predstavila zgodovino nasilja nad otroki, se osredinila na oblike, znake in na posledice zlorab, preverila značilnosti storilcev ter v zadnjem delu v grobem analizirala vloge ustanov, ki se ukvarjajo z zlorabo otrok. V empiričnem delu sem na podlagi kvalitativne raziskave z izvedbo polstrukturiranega intervjuja preverila, kako so se znaki zlorab kazali pri konkretnem primeru v šoli. Da bi dobila čim več informacij, sem v raziskavo poleg žrtve psihičnega in fizičnega nasilja v družini vključila tudi njeni prijateljici. Tako sem dobila boljši vpogled v šolsko okolje in tudi pogled iz druge perspektive. Vprašanja so se nanašala na izražanje čustev, osebnost, socialno okolje, učno sposobnost in na specifične znake v šoli. Po analizi intervjujev ugotavljam, da so se v šoli kazali nespecifični znaki, ki so povezani predvsem z izražanjem čustev in obnašanjem žrtve psihičnega in fizičnega nasilja v socialnem okolju. Znaki psihične in fizične zlorabe so bili prikriti, saj je žrtev zlorabo skrivala in se o družinskih zadevah v šoli ni pogovarjala. Specifični znaki, kot so modrice, niso bili vidni. Prikritost znakov je bila ključna težava pri njihovem prepoznavanju v šolskem okolju. Naslednji težavi pa sta (bili) neusposobljenost učiteljev za zaznavanje znakov zlorab in pomanjkanje znanja na tem področju.


družina;znaki zlorabe;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [A. Selimanović]
UDC: 376.1:364.63(043.2)
COBISS: 11128649 Link will open in a new window
Views: 856
Downloads: 162
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Psychological and physical abuse of a child in the family and signs of abuse at school
Secondary abstract: This Master's thesis deals with child abuse in the family. At present, children are treated equally as adults. They have their rights as stipulated by the Declaration of the Rights of the Child and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and receive care, education and training from adults. The world has become more sensitive to violence and numerous organisations fighting violence have emerged. This Master's thesis initially presents the history of violence against children and focuses on the types, signs and consequences of abuse, highlights the characteristics of abusers and finally provides a brief analysis of the roles of institutions that focus on child abuse. The empirical part of the thesis utilises a qualitative research with a semi-structured interview to highlight how signs of abuse are reflected at school using a concrete example. In order to obtain more information, the research included not only a victim of psychological and psychical violence in the family but also her two friends. This provided better insight into the school environment and a view from a different perspective. The questions related to expressing emotions, personality, the social environment, learning ability and specific signs at school. After analysing the interviews, we established that non-specific signs were present. These mostly relate to expressing emotions and the behaviour of the victim of psychological and physical violence in the social environment. The signs of psychological and physical abuse were covert, as the victim hid the abuse and did not talk about family matters at school. Specific signs, such as bruises, were not visible. The hidden nature of the signs was the key problem in recognising them in the school environment. The second problem is (was) the lack of training of teachers for recognising signs of abuse and lacking knowledge of the field.
Secondary keywords: primary school;child;violence;osnovna šola;otrok;nasilje;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak.
Pages: 74 f.
ID: 9165843