diplomski projekt
Erik Babič (Author), Simona Sternad (Mentor)


V diplomskem projektu informatizacija malega podjetja na primeru podjetja Tiskarna Babič, smo se osredotočili na poslovno informatiko v malih podjetjih. Ker je ERP rešitev osnova poslovne informatike v malih podjetjih in je naše podjetje še ni uvedlo smo se osredotočili na ERP rešitve. Zato smo pisali o zgodovini, značilnostih prednostih, učinkih, trendih itd. Primerjali smo tudi nekaj ponudnikov ERP rešitev in njihove rešitve, tako da smo lahko izbrali najprimernejšo za naše podjetje. Velik poudarek je tudi na uvajanju ERP rešitev, celoten proces, vse skozi naš primer podjetja. Raziskali smo več načinov, primerjali uporabnost in priljubljenost različnih načinov ter njihovo uspešnost. Na koncu smo se posvetili našemu podjetju, ga analizirali in analizirali primerne rešitve. Nato smo podali razloge, zakaj smo se odločili za rešitev in kakšne so predvidene posledice in učinki. Glavni cilj tega diplomskega dela je predstaviti napredek ERP rešitev, njihovo prilagodljivost in dostopnost tudi za mala podjetje. Med drugim pa služi tudi kot podlaga za vpeljavo ERP rešitve v podjetje Tiskarna Babič.


poslovna informatika;informacijske rešitve;ERP;informatizacija;mala podjetja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [E. Babič]
UDC: 004.77
COBISS: 12600860 Link will open in a new window
Views: 931
Downloads: 99
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Case of informatization of a small business based on Tiskarna babič
Secondary abstract: In the graduate project named case of informatization of a small business based on Tiskarna Babič we focused on business infrmatics and computer science in small businesses. The main topic is ERP, being an important base for business informatics in a small companies, which our sample business has not implemented yet. The dissertation presents the history of ERP, its features, advantages, effects, trends and more. Additionally, a couple of ERP options were compared in order to determine the most appropriate solution for Tiskarna Babič. Another major topic is the implementation of ERP systems. We went through the whole implementation proces based on our sample business. We reasearched different ways to implement an ERP, we compared how useful and popular they are as well as their success rate. Finally, we focused on our small business. We analysed it and analysed a few ERP solutions that could work well for out business. After that, we stated our reasons why we decided for a certain ERP solution and what are the expected effects of its implementation. The main goal of this graduate project is to showcase the advancment of ERP systems, mainly their adaptivnes and avaliability to small business. Furthermore, the dissertation can also serve as a foundation and guide for Tiskarna Babič to implement their ERP solution.
Secondary keywords: ERP;small business;comparison;advatages;printery Babič;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II, 52 str.
ID: 9165897