diplomski projekt
Sabina Potočnik (Author), Igor Perko (Mentor)


Dolgo sem premišljevala, katero temo si naj izberem za diplomski projekt. Zaradi lastnih interesov in zanimanja za temo, sem se odločila, primerjati med seboj orodja, ki jih lahko študenti uporabimo, za izdelavo osebnega spletnega mesta. V projektu sem najprej predstavila teoretični del, v katerem sem pojasnila, kaj sploh pomeni osebno spletno mesto, spletno mesto na splošno, spletna stran in mnoge druge pojme. V drugem delu diplomskega projekta pa sem se osredotočila na zahteve, ki jih imajo študenti oz. na stvari, ki jih naključni študenti pričakujejo od orodja za izdelavo spletnega mesta. Po ugotovitvi, katere zahteve izpolnjuje vsako od izbranih orodij, sem jih primerjala tudi med seboj in utemeljila, zakaj bi bilo eno orodje boljše od drugega. Skozi proces pisanja tega diplomskega projekta, sem ugotovila, da je precej težko zadovoljiti vse zahteve, ki so jih izrazili študenti, vendar se je spletno orodje Wix.com najbolj približalo temu. To pa me je tudi vzpodbudilo k temu, da sem se odločila, da bom vsa spletna mesta, ki jih bom izdelovala, ustvarila v prej omenjenem orodju, saj se le ta najbolj približa tudi vsem zahtevam, ki jih imam sama.


internet;spletna mesta;spletna orodja;študenti;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [S. Potočnik]
UDC: 004.774.6
COBISS: 12598044 Link will open in a new window
Views: 813
Downloads: 86
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Student's personal web site design tools comparison
Secondary abstract: For a long time, I have been thinking about, what topic should I choose for my graduation. Due to my own interest about the topic, I decided to compare the tools that students can use to create a personal web site. In this project I first presented the theoretical part in which I presented definitions of a personal website, website in general and many other concepts. In the second part of my project, I focused on the requirement that students have or in other words the properties, expected from web site development tools. After comparing the tools properties with the student requirements, I compared the tools between themselves and justify why one tool is better that the other. Through the research, I found out, that is very difficult to satisfy all the requirements expressed by the students, but the online tool named Wix.com came the closest to all of them. Therefore I decided to use this tool whenever I choose to create a website, because of the fact, that Wix.com meets almost all the requirements that I have myself.
Secondary keywords: web site;web page;students;requirements;web tools;analysis of tools;Facebook;Google Sites;Wix.com;comparison of tools;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 39 str.
ID: 9165918