diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študijskega programa
Valentino Uranić (Author), Brigita Gajšek (Mentor)


V diplomski nalogi smo se ukvarjali s problematiko, do katere v podjetju Boxmark Leather d. o. o. prihaja zaradi neurejenih notranjih transportnih poti. Posledica tega je prenizka pretočnost na posameznih odsekih transportne poti, predvsem na relaciji med proizvodnjo in skladiščem, ki hkrati ne omogoča varnega gibanja zaposlenih. Omenjeno območje smo prepoznali kot ozko grlo delovnega procesa. V prvem delu diplomske naloge smo navedli teoretična izhodišča, iz katerih smo izhajali v nadaljevanju diplomske naloge. Tako smo predstavili pomen ustrezne razmestitve proizvodne opreme in definirali pojme, kot sta notranja logistika in notranji transport. Po predstavitvi teoretičnih izhodišč smo nadaljevali z detajlnim opisom trenutnega stanja v podjetju, na problematiko katerega smo opozorili v kritični analizi. Predlagane rešitve smo navedli v tretjem poglavju diplomske naloge, pri čemer smo jih poskusili na praktičnem primeru tudi računsko dokazati. Rešitev smo videli v ureditvi odseka transportne poti na relaciji med proizvodnjo in skladiščem, s čimer mislimo predvsem na označitev transportnih poti s talnimi označbami. V sklopu tega smo obravnavali dva možna poteka transportnih poti skozi omenjeno območje, in sicer transportno pot s cono za odlaganje in transportno pot brez cone za odlaganje. Oba predloga smo med seboj primerjali iz različnih aspektov in spoznali, da je za trenutno situacijo v podjetju primernejši potek transportne poti s cono za odlaganje, ki bi med drugim skrbela za enakomernejši tok blaga v skladišče.


proizvodni proces;skladiščenje;tok blaga;transportne poti;optimizacija;kritična analiza;notranji transport;notranja logistika;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FL - Faculty of Logistics
Publisher: [V. Uranić]
UDC: 338
COBISS: 512807485 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1218
Downloads: 204
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Layout of production equipment and the organizing of internal transport paths
Secondary abstract: In this thesis we have faced with the problem of unsettled internal transport routes, which the company Boxmark Leather Ltd. has to deal with. The consequence of this is a low flow on individual sections of the transport route, particularly on the route between production and warehouse, which in addition does not allow the safe movement of employees. The mentioned area was identified as a bottleneck workflow. In the first part of the thesis we stated theoretical points from which we derived the following thesis. That is how we presented the importance of an adequate layout of the production equipment and we defined concepts, such as internal logistics and internal transport. After the presentation of theoretical points, we continued with the detailed description of the current situation in the company, and the problems we came across and were pointed out in a critical analysis. The proposed solutions we presented in the third chapter of the thesis, whereby we tried to demonstrate it on a practical case and prove it with calculations. We saw a solution in organizing the segment of the transport route between production and storage, by which we particularly focused on road surface marking of the transport routes. In this context, we discussed two possible transport routes passing through the discussed area, namely the transport route with a zone for disposal and a transport route without a zone for disposal. Both proposals were compared with each other in various aspects and we realized that for the current situation of the company the appropriate transport route would be the transport route with a zone for disposal, which would among other things, provide a smoother flow of goods into the warehouse.
Secondary keywords: production process;warehousing;material flow;transport routes;optimization;critical analysis;internal transport;internal logistics;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za logistiko
Pages: VIII, 46 str., [1] str. pril.
ID: 9165925
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