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S pojmom staranje ali s tujko senescenca razumemo naraven fiziološki ustroj človeka, za katerega je značilno upadanje bioloških funkcij organizma. Staranje se začne z začetkom individualnega življenja s spočetjem. Potek staranja določata dva procesa in sicer: evolucijski, v katerem človek in vsa ostala živa bitja rastejo, se razvijajo in krepijo ter involucijski, ko živi organizem v celoti kvantitativno in kvalitativno peša in propade. Staranje je več stopenjski proces z mnogimi spremembami, ki so lahko biološke ali fizične, psihične in socialne narave. Spremembe se kažejo predvsem na biološkem področju, v spremembah delovanja organizma, spremembe so prisotne na koži, laseh, nohtih, kosteh, mišicah, prebavilih, dihalih, srcu in ožilju, sečilih, na možgansko-živčnem sistemu, čutilih, na žlezah z notranjim izločanjem, imunskem sistemu ter na psihičnem in socialnem področju. Demenco opredelimo kot upad spoznavnih zmožnosti na vseh področjih starostnikovega življenja. Predvsem gre tukaj za upad intelektualnih zmožnosti starostnika (motnje spominskih sposobnosti, upad sposobnosti govornega izražanja, nezmožnost uporabe telesnega motoričnega aparata in težave starostnika z zaznavanjem). Demenca je pomemben zdravstveni problem modernih razvitih družb, ker se zaradi podaljševanja življenjske dobe veča posledično tudi odstotek starejših prebivalcev.


starostniki;starost;demenca;Alzheimerjeva bolezen;osnovne življenjske aktivnosti;medicinske sestre;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Publisher: [D. Zgonjanin]
UDC: 616.892.3(043.2)
COBISS: 2265508 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2982
Downloads: 948
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The concept of ageing, or using a foreign word senescence refers to the natural physiological structure of humans, which typically results in the failing of the organism’s biological features. Senescence starts at the beginning of each individual life, at conception. The course of ageing is determined by two processes: evolutionary, in which all humans and other creatures grow and evolve, and involutionary, when the living organism fully (quantitatively and qualitatively) fails and decays. The process of ageing has many steps with biological or physical, mental and social changes. These changes are foremost seen on the biological level, in the functioning of the organism; changes are also present in the skin, hair, nails, bones, muscles, digestive organs, respiratory organs, heart and blood vessels, urinary tract, brain and nervous system sense organs, glands of internal secretion, immune system and also in the psychological and social area. Dementia can define as decrease cognitive abilities on all of region eldery life. Her characteristic is, decrease intellectual abilities (memory disorder skills, decline skills on speech expression, unableness use physical motor apparateus and problem with the eldery perception). Dementia is a major public health problem in modern developed societies, whereas the rising life ecpectancy consequently increases the percentage of eldery residents.
Secondary keywords: eldery;age;dementia;Alzheimer disease;primary life activity;nurse;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: II, 32 f.
ID: 9165938
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