diplomsko delo
Janja Plavčak (Author), Darko Friš (Mentor)


Po prvi svetovni vojni je postala najvplivnejša država na Balkanu novonastala Kraljevina Srbov, Hrvatov in Slovencev, ki se je morala boriti za zaščito svojih meja zoper italijanski iredentizem na Jadranu in bolgarski revizionizem na vzhodu, zaradi česar se je še bolj nagibala k sodelovanju z drugimi balkanskimi državami. Velika nasprotja med balkanskimi državami so povzročili različni interesi evropskih velesil. Francija je poskušala Bolgarijo pritegniti v Malo antanto skupaj z Jugoslavijo in Romunijo, medtem ko se je Italija zavzemala za sklenitev trojnega pakta med Bolgarijo, Grčijo in Turčijo, z interesom, da bi oslabila francoski vpliv na Balkanu. Na podlagi vseh teh vidikov je bil začetek tridesetih let dvajsetega stoletja čas gibanja za sklenitev Balkanske zveze, s čimer bi odstranili vmešavanje velikih sil na to območje. Po pogajanjih na štirih balkanskih konferencah je bil 9. februarja 1934 podpisan štiričlanski Balkanski pakt, ki je ostal odprt tudi za Bolgarijo in Albanijo, da se priključita kasneje. Države podpisnice, Jugoslavija, Turčija, Grčija in Romunija, so si s podpisom zagotovile varnost meja. S paktom so bili prav tako podpisani tudi dodatni protokoli, ki so podpisnice zavezovali, da so dolžne medsebojne asistence v primeru sovražnikovega napada na katerokoli članico. Podpis pakta je povzročil številne polemike in nesporazume tako na Balkanu kot tudi širše po Evropi.


diplomska dela;Evropa med obema svetovnima vojnama;jugovzhodna Evropa;Balkan;balkanske konference;Balkanski pakt;Balkanska zveza;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [J. Plavčak]
UDC: 94(497)"1930/1936"(043.2)
COBISS: 22616072 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1477
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Balkan conferences and the Balkan union (1930-1936) in the light Jutro and Slovenec newspapers
Secondary abstract: After the First World War the most influential country in the Balkans became the newly formed Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats nad Slovenes, which had to struggle to protect its borders against the Italian irredentism on the Adriatic and the Bulgarian revisionism in the East, due to which the country was leaning towards cooperating with other Balkan countries. Many oppositions between Balkan states were caused by various interests of the great european powers. France was trying to attract Bulgaria into the Little Entente tigether with Yugoslavia and Romania, whereas Italy was trying to create a three power pact between Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey with the aim to weaken the French political influence in the Balkans. Based on all these aspects, the beginning of the 1930's was a time of creating the Balkan union, and thus trying to eliminate the interference of the great powers on the area. Following the negotiations at four Balkan conferences, a four-member Balkan Pact was signed on 9 February 1934, which remained open also for Bulgaria and Albania to join later. By signing the pact the signatory countries, Yugoslavia, Turkey, Greece and Romania, ensured border security. When agreeing to the pact they also signed additional protocols, which bound the signatory countries to mutual assistence in case of enemy attacks on any member. The signing of the pact caused many controversies and misunderstandings in both the Balkans and other parts of Europe.
Secondary keywords: theses;Europe between the two world wars;Southeast Europe;Balkans;Balkan conferences;Balkan union;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za zgodovino
Pages: 108 f.
ID: 9166079