diplomski projekt
Larisa Morandel (Author), Tjaša Štrukelj (Mentor)


Družinska podjetja so v Sloveniji pomemben dejavnik gospodarske rasti in razvitosti. Izvajanje nasledstva družinskih podjetij je zagotovo eden najpomembnejših razvojnih problemov v podjetju samem, saj gre za kompleksno nalogo, katere neuspeh lahko povzroči propad podjetja. V diplomskem projektu analiziramo družinska podjetja, ki uspešno poslujejo na trgu in dajejo velike možnosti zaposlitve. V Sloveniji so družinska podjetja še zelo mlada, saj so se pričela razvijati šele po letu 1991, ko se je Slovenija osamosvojila; takrat je namreč propadlo veliko državnih podjetij. Slovenija je mlada država, zato so tudi mnoga družinska podjetja sorazmerno mlada; večina podjetij je še v prvi generaciji, le nekaj v drugi ali tretji, manj pa že v četrti generaciji. Pojavljajo se tudi problemi z nasledstvom, čeprav jih praksa morda še ne zaznava, saj veliko lastnikov družinskih podjetij še ne razmišlja o prenosu podjetja na naslednjo generacijo, ki lahko traja tudi več kot deset let. Ko se v družinskem podjetju odločijo za menjavo generacije, morajo ta proces planirati in za naslednika izbrati ustreznega kandidata. Naslednik mora biti zmožen in pripravljen za delo, ki ga bo prevzel tako, da se bo podjetje še naprej dobro razvijalo in delovalo. Po navadi je naslednik družinski član, npr. sin ali hči, če je naslednikov več, pa lahko med njimi pride tudi do rivalstva in tekmovalnosti. Veliko družinskih podjetij ne planira nasledstev in zaradi tega lahko podjetje propade. Ker pa je glavni namen tega diplomskega projekta planiranje nasledstva, se bomo poglobili v to temo, obenem pa bomo družinskim podjetjem pripisali tudi značilnosti, prednosti in slabosti, s katerimi se soočajo. V diplomskem projektu preučujemo planiranje in prenos podjetja na naslednjo generacijo. V praktičnem delu smo izvedli raziskavo, v okviru katere smo tematiko nasledstva proučevali v družinskih podjetjih na območju Občine Maribor z okolico.


družinsko podjetje;rast podjetja;razvoj podjetja;življenjski cikel;nasledstvo;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [L. Morandel]
UDC: 334.722.24
COBISS: 12624156 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1025
Downloads: 127
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Succession in Slovenian family enterprises on the practice example of the municipality Maribor with surroundings
Secondary abstract: Family companies are in Slovenia an important factor of economic growth and development. Execution of succession of family companies is surely one of the most important developmental problems in a company, because this is a complex task and its failure can cause the failure of the company. In the diploma project we are analyzing family companies which are successful on the market and giving a lot of employment opportunities. In Slovenia are family companies very young because they began to develop in Slovenia mostly after the year 1991, when Slovenia became an independent country and a lot of state companies went bankrupt. In Slovenia are family companies still very young, this is why the most of the companies are still in the first generation, only some in the second or third and less in the fourth generation. There are also occurring problems regarding the succession, although the practice maybe isn’t perceiving that yet, because a lot of family company owners aren't thinking about transferring the company to the next generation which can take also more than ten years. When they in the family company choose to change the generation, they have to plan this process and choose a suitable candidate for the successor. The successor must be capable and ready for work he has to take over, so that the company will be able to develop and work well. Usually the successor is a family member, e.g. son or daughter. If there are more children successors, rivalry and competitiveness can occur. A lot of family companies don't plan the succession and this is why the company goes bankrupt. Because the main problem of this diploma project is the succession planning we will immerse ourselves into this topic, and we will also give family companies characteristics, advantages and disadvantages they are facing. In the diploma project we are studying the planning and the transfer of the company to the next generation. In the practical part we have done a research in which we have studied the thematic of succession in the family companies in the Municipality of Maribor with surroundings.
Secondary keywords: family company;characteristics of a family company;advantages and disadvantages;life cycle;succession and succession planning.;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 49 str., 10 str. pril.
ID: 9166219