diplomsko delo


V diplomskem delu smo se ukvarjali z novejšo učno metodo – digitalno pripovedovanje zgodb in njeno vpeljavo v pouk. Zanimalo nas je, ali je digitalno pripovedovanje zgodb primerna učna metoda za doseganje izbranih učnih ciljev obveznega izbirnega predmeta Računalništvo, za spodbujanje aktivnega učenja in za povečanje zanimanja za računalniške vsebine. Zanimalo nas je, ali metoda vpliva na razvoj poglabljanja medpredmetnih kompetenc učencev, kot so kreativno razmišljanje, sodelovalno učenje in razvoj digitalne kompetence. Metodo smo empirično preizkusili med učenci zadnjega triletja izbrane osnovne šole. Učenci so izdelovali digitalne zgodbe sami ali v paru na temo računalniške osebnosti. Za urejanje večpredstavnih gradiv in ustvarjanja zgodb so uporabili program Movie Maker. Učitelj in učenci smo skupaj določili kriterij za ocenjevanje digitalnih zgodb. Pomembno nam je bilo, da je zgodba vsebovala elemente digitalnih zgodb. Učenci so najprej z upoštevanjem besedilnih lastnosti zgodb ustvarili strukturirana besedila. S ciljem, da bi ustvarili ritem in povečali učinkovitost pripovedovanja, so učenci v zgodbo vključevali pozorno izbrano glasbo. Izdelki so bili na koncu ocenjeni. Učenčev odnos do uporabe digitalnega pripovedovanja v okviru pouka smo ocenili z analizo rezultatov opazovanj tekom raziskave in z anketnim vprašalnikom, ki so ga učenci rešili ob koncu raziskave.


večpredstavna gradiva;računalniške osebnosti;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [T. Blatnik]
UDC: 004:373.3(043.2)
COBISS: 11134537 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1304
Downloads: 192
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Digital storytelling
Secondary abstract: In the diploma we use a modern method of digital storytelling in the classroom. Through our research we try to determine whether a digital storytelling could be an appropriate tool for achieving learning goals for a compulsory elective course Computer Science, whether it encourages active learning and whether it makes computer topics more attractive to pupils. We are aiming to determine whether this method helps to develop and to deepen transversal key competences like creative thinking, cooperative learning and digital competence. The method was empirically examined on pupils of the last three year cycle of the chosen primary school. The pupils created digital stories on a subject “pioneers in computer science” alone or in pairs. For editing their multimedia materials and creating digital stories they used the program Movie Maker. The teacher together with pupils has set criteria for assessment of the digital stories. It was important to incorporate elements of digital storytelling. Pupils created their own stories by using story-boards taking into account the characteristics of text stories. With the aim to create a rhythm and increase the efficiency of storytelling the students include carefully selected music into their stories. The pupils’ digital stories were evaluated at the end. Pupils’ attitudes towards the use of digital storytelling in the classroom were assessed by analyzing the result of observations during the study and the questionnaire fulfilled by pupils at the end of research.
Secondary keywords: story telling;computer science;primary education;pripovedovanje zgodb;računalništvo;osnovnošolski pouk;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Matematika-računalništvo
Pages: VIII f., 82 str.
ID: 9166312