diplomsko delo
Ksenija Kumelj (Author), Tjaša Ivanc (Mentor)


Vrnitev v prejšnje stanje je institut civilnega pravdnega postopka, ki temelji na načelu kontradiktornosti oziroma načelu zaslišanja obeh strank. Zakon daje strankam in drugim udeležencem v postopku možnost uveljavljanja svojih interesov. Če stranka zamudi narok ali rok za določeno procesno dejanje, zaradi česar izgubi pravico opraviti to dejanje (prekluzija), ji sodišče na njen predlog dovoli, da opravi to procesno dejanje tudi kasneje. Institut vrnitve v prejšnje stanje torej omogoča odpravo posledic zamude in vrnitev pravde v stanje, v kakršnem je bila pred zamudo. S tem se v pravdnem postopku zagotovi sodno varstvo tistemu, ki je pravi nosilec pravice materialnega prava, hkrati pa se poskrbi, da sodna odločba ni le posledica strankine nezakrivljene zamude. Gre torej za vzpostavitev ravnovesja med zagotavljanjem sodnega varstva ter med pospešitvijo postopka. V diplomski nalogi predstavim teoretična izhodišča omenjenega instituta, načela pravdnega postopka, ki so preko instituta vrnitve v prejšnje stanje v pravdnem postopku okrepljena. preučim relevantno sodno prakso in predstavim glavne značilnosti ureditve instituta v hrvaški zakonodaji. Zaključim, da med slovensko in hrvaško zakonodajo na tem področju ni večje diskrepance, kar je glede na skupno zakonodajo iz časa Jugoslavije pričakovati. Slednja namreč glede ureditve vrnitve v prejšnje stanje ni bila deležna večjih sprememb. Predstavim pa tudi, kako se v slovenski zakonodajni ureditvi krepi pomen načela kontradiktornosti.


diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [K. Kumelj]
UDC: 347.95(043.2)
COBISS: 5253163 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1684
Downloads: 251
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Institution of reinstatement in civil proceedings with emphasis on case law
Secondary abstract: Reinstatement is a legal instrument used in civil contentious procedures and is based on adversarial principal or in other words on principle of hearing both parties. The parties and other participants of the procedure have a legally based right to implement their own interests. When a party misses a hearing or a deadline to implement a certain procedural action and therefore no longer has a right to implement this action again (preclusion), the court can grant a motion to implement that same procedural action after the omission. Reinstatement therefore makes it possible to eliminate the consequences that have occured because of that omission and it restores the contentious procedure to where it was prior to the omission. By allowing this, judicial protection in contentious procedures is given to the proper holder of a substantive right and at the same time it guarantees that the court's judgement is not based merely on an omission that was not caused by the party of a procedure. This strikes a balance between ensuring legal protection and speeding up the procedure. In my thesis I present the theoretical basis of the said institute and the principles of contentious procedure which are reinforced by the use of the reinstatement. I examine relevant case law and outline the main characteristics of this instrument in Croatian law. I conclude that the Slovenian and Croatian legislation in this area lack discrepancy, which is to be expected based on our common legislation from the time of Yugoslavia. The latter has not been changed significantly when it comes to reinstatement. I also present how the importance of the adversarial principle is reinforced in Slovenian legislation.
Secondary keywords: reinstatement;adversarial principle;civil contentious procedure;omission of a procedural action;preclusion;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Pages: 58 f.
ID: 9166508