specialistično delo
Mojca Šoštarko (Author), Bojana Boh (Mentor), Zvezdan Pirtošek (Co-mentor)


Specialistično delo predstavlja model plesno-gibalne terapevtske metode dela s starostniki z demenco. V teoretičnem delu najprej predstavi demenco od najpogostejših vzrokov in dejavnikov tveganja za njen razvoj preko diagnostičnih postopkov, poteka bolezni, njenih najpogostejših oblik in zdravljenja. Nato se ozre na različne modele obravnave bolezni in izpostavi celostni pristop, ki je usmerjen na obravnavo osebe kot celote z vsemi njenimi telesnimi, čustvenimi, socialnimi, razumskimi in duhovnimi procesi in razsežnostmi. Specialistično delo v nadaljevanju pokaže prispevek plesno-gibalne terapije k celostnemu pristopu k osebi z demenco in navede pet področij, na katera vpliva, in sicer so to ohranjanje spoznavnih sposobnosti, blaženje vedenjskih in čustvenih simptomov, izboljšanje gibalnih sposobnosti in telesne vzdržljivosti, reminiscenca in boljši odnos z negovalci in svojci. Specialistično delo v izvedbenem delu preverja učinke plesno-gibalne terapije v celostni obravnavi skupine starostnikov z demenco v domu za starejše. Podaja odgovore o primernosti različnih metod in tehnik plesno-gibalne terapije ter različnih glasbenih zvrsti, ki so podpora gibanju in plesu. Na temelju dognanj je izdelan model plesno-gibalnih srečanj po načelih plesno-gibalne terapije, ki vključuje uporabo kroga, gibanje na glasbo in ritem, medsebojni dotik, skupno petje, ustvarjalne pripomočke in spominjanje.


model celostne terapije;dom za starejše;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.10 - Specialist Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [M. Šoštarko]
UDC: 376(043.2)
COBISS: 11140937 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1012
Downloads: 154
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: A model of dance - movement therapy for groups of elderly people with dementia
Secondary abstract: This specialist thesis proposes a model of dance-movement therapy for groups of elderly people with dementia. As a theoretical backdrop to this work, it first looks into dementia and discusses its most common types and causes, risk-factors, diagnostic procedures, as well as the course of the illness and treatment methods. There then follows an examination of the different models of dementia care, and, in particular, a reflection upon the person-centered care which focuses on the physical, emotional, social, intellectual and spiritual dimensions of the individual as a whole. There then follows a discussion of dance-movement therapy within the concept of person-centered dementia care, together with an explanation of its effects on preserving cognitive abilities, the alleviation of behavioral and emotional symptoms, the improvement of motor skills, fitness, reminiscence and relationship with carers. The research examines how dance-movement therapy in a group of elderly dementia sufferers in a long-term care facility affects their mood, social interaction and present moment awareness. A variety of dance-movement therapy methods and techniques, different types of music and prompts, as well as their suitability for elderly dementia sufferers was also examined. On the basis of the results, this specialist thesis proposes a dance-therapy model for groups of elderly dementia sufferers in long-term residential care. The model includes the use of a circle, movement to music and rhythm, touch, singing, prompts and reminiscence.
Secondary keywords: dance;elderly person;therapy;ples;starejša oseba;terapija;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Specialist thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak.
Pages: 107 str.
ID: 9166548