diplomsko delo
Tema diplomskega dela je Iran po islamski revoluciji leta 1979. V revoluciji je padla zahodno usmerjena dinastija Pahlavi. Vodenje države prevzame Islamska republikanska stranka, ki je sprejela islamsko ustavo, šahovo diktaturo so preprosto zamenjali s svojo. Ajatola Ruholah Homeini leta 1979 zavzame funkcijo verskega in državnega voditelja, oklican je tudi za ustanovitelja Islamske republike Iran. Za utrjevanje svoje moči mu koristi incident zavzetja ambasade Združenih držav Amerike 4. novembra 1979, ki omili, a ob enem spodbudi prihod duhovščine na oblast. Po revoluciji prav tako pride do radikalnih sprememb na političnem dogajanju, Iran se zapre pred zahodnim trgom, vključi v boj s Kurdi in jim onemogoči obljubljeno avtonomijo, ponovno vzpostavi tajno policijo VEVAK, ki izvaja čistke in aretacije in doda islamske fundamentalistične težnje - terorizem. Kršenje človekovih pravic je vsakdan v novem Iranu. V tem obdobju je velik zalogaj za Iran vojna z Irakom, ki se začne 1980, v 8 letih Iran gospodarsko ošibi. Ženske prav tako doživljajo spremembe, njihov položaj v družbi se z vnosom islama degradira, odvzete so jim pod šahom pridobljene pravice. Hidžab je ponovno njihov vsakdan. Rdeča nit vzpostavljanja ravnovesja in ustvarjanje distance tujih sil od iranskih notranjim odnosom je bil iranski jedrski program. Le-ta omogoča državi, da vodi razvoj države v emancipiranem stilu in uporablja jedrsko energijo za ohranjanje kontrole.
diplomska dela;islamska revolucija 1979;ajatola Homeini;zasedba ambasade Združenih držav Amerike;Kurdi;iransko-iraška vojna;ženske pravice;jedrski program;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2016 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM FF - Faculty of Arts |
Publisher: |
[J. Dečar] |
UDC: |
94(55)"1979" |
Views: |
2409 |
Downloads: |
146 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Iran after the revolution of 1979 |
Secondary abstract: |
The subject of the diploma thesis is Iran after the Islamic revolution of 1979. The revolution overthrew west-oriented Pahlavi dynasty. The leadership of the country was taken over by the Islamic Republican Party, who ratified an islamic constitution, the shah's dictatorship was simply replaced with theirs. In the 1979, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini was appointed religious and governmental leader, he was proclaimed the founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran. His rule was further reinforced by the occupation of the embassy of the United States of America that transpired on 4th November 1979. Even though this incident initially provided a reason for moderation, it ultimately cemented the clergy's position of power. The revolution also brought with itself numerous radical changes to other parts of life, economics and governance. Iran closed off from the western market, fought Kurds while denying their autonomy, restored the secret agancy VEVAK which carried out purges and arrests, adding to the Islamic fundamentalist tendencies - terrorism. Violations of human rights become a daily affair in newly reformed Islamic Republic of Iran. Shortly after the revolution, in 1980, a war between Iran and Iraq breaks out, proving a huge drain on resources for its 8 year duration. Women were also severely affected by the change in the regime, their social status severely diminished, rights gained under previous regime revoked. Hijab is again their daily life. The common thread of restoring the balance while creating distance between foreign forces and internal relations is Iran's nuclear program, which allows the country to lead the emancipated development of the country and uses the promise of nuclear technology to regain control. |
Secondary keywords: |
theses;Islamic revolution of 1979;Ayatollah Khomeini;occupation of the United States of America embassy;Kurds;Iran-Iraq War;women's rights;nuclear program; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za zgodovino |
Pages: |
III, 94 f. |
ID: |
9166588 |