magistrsko delo
Barbara Starc (Author), Milena Blažič (Mentor)


Magistrsko delo najprej predstavi zgodovinsko ozadje češkega naroda, kulturne stike med Slovenci in Čehi ter oriše razvoj češke mladinske književnosti. V magistrskem delu je kvantitativno in kvalitativno raziskana recepcija češke mladinske književnosti na Slovenskem. S kvantitativno raziskavo je ugotovljeno, koliko mladinskih knjig je prevedenih iz češkega jezika v slovenski jezik, koliko v različnih obdobjih ter katera dela so bila največkrat prevajana in izdana. Izbranih je tudi 11 reprezentativnih del češke mladinske književnosti, na katerih je narejena literarna analiza. Kode za analizo so izluščene iz klasične analize književnih besedil (Prenovljeni učni načrt, 2011), po teoriji pravljic Maxa Lüthija in Marjane Kobe. Dodani so še parabesedilni elementi po znanstvenici Gemmi Lluchi in kulturnospecifični elementi, ki so pomembni za raziskavo, kako so bila dela prevajana (ali so se ohranili kulturnospecifični elementi izvirnika). Za podrobno raziskavo bi bilo potrebno prebrati knjige v češkem jeziku in njen slovenski prevod ter jih primerjati. V praktičnem delu magistrskega dela so predstavljene ugotovitve, ki se nanašajo na zastavljena vprašanja. Predstavljen je tudi tridnevni projekt obravnave čeških pravljic. Projekt je bil izveden na OŠ Toneta Čufarja v Ljubljani z 21 učenci in dvema češkima študentkama (Erasmus, maj 2015). Z didaktično obravnavo čeških mladinskih del pri pouku književnosti v osnovni šoli se spodbuja medkulturno sodelovanje. Na koncu so podana tudi didaktična priporočila, v katerih je predstavljenih nekaj idej za uporabo prevedenih čeških mladinskih književnih besedil v osnovni šoli in v knjižnicah.


analiza prevedenih literarnih del;medkulturna komunikacija;didaktika mladinske književnosti;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [B. Starc]
UDC: 82-93(043.2)
COBISS: 11146313 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1061
Downloads: 110
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Czech children's literature reception in Slovenia
Secondary abstract: This master’s degree thesis introduces the historical background of the Czech nation and the cultural contacts between Slovenes and Czechs. It outlines the development of the Czech young adult literature. In the thesis is qualitatively and quantitatively researched the reception of the Czech young adult literature. With a qualitative research it has been discovered how many young adult books have been translated from Czech into Slovene language, how many in different periods and which literary works have been most often translated and published. Furthermore, 11 representative literary works of the Czech young literature have been chosen, on the basis of which a literary analysis has been made. The codes for analysis have been selected from classical analysis of literary texts (Renewed curriculum, 2011), following the theory of fairy tales of Max Lüthi and Marjana Kobe. There are also added paratextual elements by the method of a scientist Gemma Lluch and cultural-specific elements, which are essential for the research on the way of translation (whether the cultural-specific elements of the original have been preserved). For a detailed research it would be necessary to read the books in Czech language and their Slovene translations and compare them. In the practical part of the thesis the findings that relate to the questions that are asked in the thesis are introduced. Also, a three-day project on Czech fairy tale discussion is presented. The project was carried out on Tone Cufar Primary School in Ljubljana, in which participated 21 pupils and two Czech students (Erasmus, May 2015). A didactic introduction of young adult literary works in Slovene lessons in primary school encourages intercultural cooperation. In the last part of the thesis didactic recommendations that involve some ideas for the usage of translated Czech young adult literary texts in primary school and libraries are introduced.
Secondary keywords: children's and youth literature;Czech Republic;mladinska književnost;Češka;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak.
Pages: 97 str.
ID: 9166740
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