diplomsko delo
V diplomskem delu obravnavam pesniške opuse avtoric Erne Muser, Vere Albreht in Katje Špur, ki so preživele vojno, pri tem pa osrednji poudarek namenim prikazu in obravnavi taboriščne poezije. Taboriščna poezija je pri Erni Muser zajeta v ciklu Ne zlomiš src, iz njene edine zbirke Vstal bo vihar (1946). Drugi dve pesnici sta svoje pesmi združili v zbirki Ravensbriške pesmi (1977). V svoji nalogi se osredotočam na zgodovinske okoliščine nastanka taboriščne poezije in njeno umestitev v književnost narodnoosvobodilnega boja ter v širše literarne tokove tistega časa. Motivno-tematska in slogovna analiza pokaže, da se pesmi avtoric med seboj razlikujejo tako vsebinsko kot slogovno, kar kaže na vplive različnih, pogosto nasprotujočih si literarnih smeri tistega obdobja. Nekatere pesmi obravnavanih avtoric po svoji kvaliteti odstopajo od glavnine taboriščne poezije in upravičujejo svojo reprezentativnost v njenem okviru. S tem dodatno potrjujejo ugotovitev Novak-Popov, ki med izjeme od prevladujoče “šablonskosti, klišejskosti in shematiziranosti” (Novak-Popov, 1986, str. 203) taboriščne poezije uvršča tudi pesnici Katjo Špur in Erno Muser (Novak - Popov, 1986). Menim da, tudi Vera Albreht v vsaj dveh pesmih presega meje tega žanra.
diplomske naloge;taboriščna poezija;koncentracijska taborišča;nacizem;fašizem;narodnoosvobodilni boj;Osvobodilna fronta;partizanska poezija;druga svetovna vojna;žensko pesništvo;Ravensbrück;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2016 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UNG FH - Faculty of Humanities |
Publisher: |
[E. Gaši] |
UDC: |
821.163.6 |
Views: |
5761 |
Downloads: |
307 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Concentration camp poetry written by Slovenian female poets |
Secondary abstract: |
The thesis deals with the poetic opuses of Erna Muser, Verna Albreht and Katja Špur, who survived the war, and focuses on the concentration camp poetry. The concentration camp poetry written by Erna Muser is collected in the cycle Ne zlomiš src from her sole collection Vstal bo vihar (1946). The other two poets collected their poems in the collection Ravensbriške pesmi (1977).
My thesis focuses on the historical circumstances in which concentration camp poetry was created and on its position in the literature of the national liberation and literary streams of that time. The analyses of the motifs, themes and style of the poems written by the above mentioned poets shows that the poems differ in content and style due to the influence of different and very often contradictory literary tendencies of that time. Some of the poems of the mentioned poets step out in their quality from the majority of the concentration camp poetry, which entitles them to being representative within the framework of the concentration camp poetry.
This additionally confirms the conclusions of Novak-Popov, who places the poets Katja Špur and Erna Muser among the exceptions of the dominant “šablonskosti, klišejskosti in shematiziranosti” (Novak-Popov, 1986, str. 203). I believe that Vera Albreht, too, exceeds the limits of this genre at least in two of her poems. |
Secondary keywords: |
Concentration camp poetry;concentration camps;Nazism;fascism;national liberation struggle;Liberation Front;partisan poetry;the Second World War;female poetry;Ravensbrück.; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Novi Gorici, Fak. za humanistiko |
Pages: |
III, 60 str. |
ID: |
9166773 |