diplomsko delo
Janja Hočevar (Author), Bojana Vončina (Mentor), Julija Volmajer Valh (Co-mentor)


V diplomskem delu smo proučili možnosti odstranjevanja okoljskega onesnaževala bisfenola A iz raztopin. Za ta namen smo uporabili β-ciklodekstrin, ki lahko selektivno tvori vključitvene komplekse z mnogimi substancami. Za analizno metodo smo izbrali UV/VIS spektrofotometer, s katerim smo spremljali absorbanco pri valovni dolžini značilni za bisfenol A. V prvem sklopu smo se osredotočili na odstranjevanje bisfenola A z dodatki vodnih raztopin β-ciklodekstrina različnih koncentracij. V drugem delu smo β-ciklodekstrin vezali na netkan poliesterni material, ki smo ga dodajali v različnih količinah v raztopino bisfenola A. Rezultate analiznih meritev smo med seboj primerjali in prišli do zaključka, da se največ bisfenola A odstrani pri dodatku tekstilnega materiala z 12 % nanosom β-ciklodekstrina.


bisfenol A;ciklodekstrini;analizne metode;odstranjevanje onesnaževal;vodne raztopine;UV/VIS spektroskopija;čiščenje odpadnih vod;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher: [J. Hočevar]
UDC: 628.161.3(043.2)
COBISS: 20431894 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1351
Downloads: 107
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Removal of bisphenol A from water using cyclodextrins
Secondary abstract: In the graduation thesis the removal of environmental pollutant bisphenol A from the water solution have been tested. For this purpose we have used β-cyclodextrin, which can selectively form inclusion complexes with various substances. For the analytical method we have chosen a UV/VIS spectrophotometer, which was used to measure the absorbance at a wavelenght characteristic for bisphenol A. First we have focused on removing bisphenol A in the solution by adding water solutions of β-cyclodextrin of differrent concentrations. In the second part we have binded β-cyclodextrin on a non-woven polyester fabric, which was added in different quantities to the solution of bisphenol A. The results of analytical measurements were compared and we have come to the conclusion that most of bisphenol A was removed when textile material with 12 % application of β-cyclodextrin was added to the solution.
Secondary keywords: Bisphenol A;cyclodextrin;waste water treatment;UV/VIS spectroscopy;water pollution;removal of Bisphenol A;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za strojništvo, Tehniško varstvo okolja
Pages: XIII, 42 f.
ID: 9166850
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