diplomsko delo
Doroteja Kardum (Author), Robert Repnik (Mentor), Vladimir Grubelnik (Co-mentor)


Vzgoja in izobraževanje sta temelja prihodnosti in osnovni človekovi pravici sodobnega sveta. Vsaka država, ki se zaveda pomembnosti kvalitetnega izobraževanja in kaj ji ta na daljši rok prinese, želi ustvariti izobraževalni sistem, ki bi državljane izoblikoval v samostojne in odgovorne osebke, ki se lahko opirajo na kakovostno pridobljeno znanje, obenem pa, najbolj ustrezal potrebam države same. V diplomskem delu smo raziskovali štiri velika poglavja izobraževalnega sistema Slovenije in Avstrije. V prvem poglavju smo opisovali in med seboj primerjali sisteme primarne, sekundarne in terciarne ravni izobraževanja obeh držav. Opisali smo učne načrte primarnega in izbrane učne načrte sekundarnega izobraževanja predmetov iz vsebin fizike in astronomije. Zanimalo nas je, v čem so si učni načrti obeh držav na določeni ravni med seboj podobni in v čem se razlikujejo. V tretjem poglavju smo raziskovali avtonomijo učiteljev obeh držav. Pri tem smo na primarni, nižji in višji sekundarni ravni izobraževanja izvedli intervjuje učiteljev in jih povprašali o njihovem osebnem mnenju, kako avtonomni so pri urah pouka iz vsebin iz fizike in astronomije, izbiri učnih metod, učbenikov, ocenjevanju znanja, nakupih fizikalnih pripomočkov, načrtovanju ekskurzij na temo fizike in astronomije ter o številu ur, ki jih lahko namenijo temam po lastni izbiri. Odgovore smo analizirali in med seboj primerjali. V zadnjem poglavju diplomskega dela smo opisali izobraževanje učitelja fizike obeh držav in med seboj primerjali predmetnike izbranih fakultet, ki nudijo izobraževalne programe fizike, saj smo predvidevali, da do razlik pride tudi tam.


diplomska dela;šolski sistem;poučevanje;avtonomija učitelja;učni načrti;fizika in astronomija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FNM - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Publisher: [D. Kardum]
UDC: 37.016:53(497.4)(436)(043.2)
COBISS: 22789896 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1469
Downloads: 90
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Comparison of teaching Physics and Astronomy of chosen elementary and secondary schools in Austria and Slovenia
Secondary abstract: Bringing-up and education are the future fundaments and the basic human rights of the modern world. Every country, which is aware of the importance of the qualitative education and what are the perks of it in the long term, wants to create the education system, which would make its citizens independent and responsible individuals, who would be able to rely on qualitatively gained knowledge and would at the same time suit the needs of the country itself. In the present graduation thesis we explored four chapters, the education system of Slovenia and Austria. In the first chapter we described and compared the system of primary, secondary and tertiary level of education in both countries. We described the curricula of primary and certain curricula of secondary education from the content of physics and astronomy. We wanted to find out what do curricula of both countries resemble in and what the differences are. In the third chapter we researched the teacher's autonomy in both countries. We interviewed teachers of primary, lower and upper level of secondary level education about their personal opinion on how autonomous they are in physics and astronomy lessons, the choice of teaching methods, textbooks, assessment of knowledge, the purchase of physics didactical equipment, planning of excursions and the number of lessons available for topics of their choice. We analyzed and compared their answers. In the last chapter of the graduation thesis we described the physics teacher education in both countries and compared the curricula of selected faculties as we assumed that the differences also occur here.
Secondary keywords: theses;school system;teaching;teacher's autonomy;curricula;physics and astronomy;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za naravoslovje in matematiko, Oddelek za fiziko
Pages: 119 f.
ID: 9167045