Peter Fekonja (Author), Zdravko Kačič (Mentor)


V zaključnem delu predstavimo razvoj in delovanje programa za iskanje, prepoznavo in razvrščanje krožnih oblik v stereo sliki. Podan bo pregled uporabljenih algoritmov in metod za reševanje tega problema, na kratko pa opisanih še nekaj ostalih metod s tega področja. Podrobneje so opisani posamezni koraki v postopkih načrtovanja in realizacije projekta. Na kratko je predstavljena uporabljena strojna oprema, ter njene prednosti in pomanjkljivosti. Naloga se v nadaljevanju osredotoča na programski vidik reševanja problema. S stereo kamere zajemamo 3D slike, s pomočjo katerih lahko izračunamo globinsko sliko prostora. Na dobljeni globinski sliki iščemo kroge, ki predstavljajo okrogle predmete v prostoru. Z uporabo samo ene slike lahko enak prizor analiziramo v 2D pogledu. Z iskanjem, obdelavo, primerjanjem robov in podatkov iz obeh pristopov lahko dobimo precej zanesljiv način zaznave krožnih oblik v sliki.


stereo kamere;globinske slike;strojni vid;3D slike;prepoznavanje vzorcev;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FERI - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Publisher: [P. Fekonja]
UDC: 004.5
COBISS: 20402454 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1233
Downloads: 166
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Detection of circular forms in 2D and 3D scenes using a stereoscopic camera
Secondary abstract: The final work presents development and functionality of a program, designed to search for, recognize and categorize circular forms in a stereo image. An overview will be given about the algorithms and methods used in solving this problem, as well as a short summary on some of the other available methods used in this field. Steps taken during research, development and production of this project will be described in further detail. The final work gives a short presentation of the hardware used in this project, briefly explaining its advantages and disadvantages. Next, it focuses on the programing aspect of the solution. A stereo camera is used to capture 3D images, which we can use to calculate the depth field of a given scene. The resulting depth map is used to search for circles, which represent round objects in space. By using only one of the images captured, we can analyze the same scene in a 2D view. By looking for, processing, and detecting edges, as well as comparing data from both procedures, we can achieve a rather reliable method of detecting circles in a given image.
Secondary keywords: stereoscopic camera;disparity;depth map;edge detection;machine vision;3D images;pattern recognition;circle detection;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko, Elektrotehnika
Pages: V, 45 f.
ID: 9167089