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Jernej Omulec (Author), Simona Sternad (Mentor)


Številna podjetja se že poslužujejo upravljanja odnosov s strankami in CRM-rešitev. CRM lahko definiramo kot upravljavsko filozofijo, kjer se cilji podjetja najlažje dosežejo skozi identificiranje in zadovoljevanje potrošniških želj (tako izjavljenih kot tudi neizjavljenih) in potreb. CRM pomaga pri profiliranju potencialnih strank, razumevanju njihovih potreb in grajenju odnosov, tako da se jim ponudi najprimernejši izdelek. Na drugi strani pa imamo Big Data, ki sicer po podjetjih še ni tako razširjena zadeva kot CRM, vendar vedno bolj pridobiva na popularnosti. Big Data so nizi podatkov, katerih obseg presega sposobnosti zajema, hranjenja, upravljanja in analiziranja s pomočjo klasičnih programskih rešitev. Uvedba CRM-rešitve in integracija Big Data sami po sebi pa ne bosta prinesli dobička. Za izboljšanja delovanja podjetja, poslovnega izida in prihodkov potrebujemo ljudi, ki bodo dana orodja in podatke znali analizirati in izkoristiti v svoj prid. Ne smemo pozabiti ene precej pomembne stvari. Lahko uvedemo najboljšo in najdražjo rešitev in nam ta ne bo prav nič koristila, če je sami ne bomo znali maksimalno izkoristiti. CRM-rešitve in Big Data sta samo pripomočka, ki nam precej olajšata razumevanje strank, vendar sama po sebi ne bosta storila ničesar.


odnosi s strankami;upravljanje;CRM;informacijske rešitve;podatki;big data;arhitektura;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [J. Omulec]
UDC: 004.6/.7(043.2)
COBISS: 12545820 Link will open in a new window
Views: 861
Downloads: 149
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Use a big data for needs of customer relationship management IT solutions
Secondary abstract: Many companies are already using costumer releationship management and CRM solutions. We can define CRM as philosophy of management, where company goals are achieved through identifying and satisfying costumer spoken and unspoken needs and desires. CRM helps with setting costumer profiles, understanding their needs and building releationships in a way, that we offer them most appropriate product. And on the other hand we have Big Data. It is not as spread across the companies as CRM, but it is constantly gaining on popularity. Big Data are data sets, which size exceed abilities of capturing, storing, managing and analyzing for regular software solutions. We also must not forget, that just implementing CRM and integrating Big Data to it won't bring too much profit by themselfs. For improving the company work and revenues we need people, who will be able to use given tools and information to own advantage. There is one very important thing. We can implement best and most expensive solution and it won't do anything good for us, if we won't be able to use it to it's full potential. CRM solutions and Big Data are just tools – tools, that drasticly ease understanding our costumers, but will not do anything by itself.
Secondary keywords: Big Data;Large amounts of information;CRM;Customer releationship management;Salesforce;Datameer.;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II, 63 str.
ID: 9167137