diplomski projekt


Tradicionalno bančništvo oziroma konvencionalno bančništvo je znano kot navadno bančništvo, medtem ko je islamsko bančništvo še mlado in nerazvito po svetu. Islamsko bančništvo se večinoma uporablja v muslimanskih deželah, kot so Savdska Arabija, Katar in Pakistan, vendar se islamsko bančništvo pojavlja tako v Europi kot ZDA, in sicer v Nemčiji, Veliki Britaniji, Avstriji, Franciji ter na Danskem. Islamske banke se razlikujejo od tradicionalnih bank po načelih poslovanja šeriatskega prava oziroma po šeriatskih zakonih, po katerih celotno bančništvo posluje. Ta načela prepovedujejo kakršnokoli poslovanje z obrestmi, poslovanje s svinjino, alkoholom, igrami na srečo, orožjem. Islamske banke ponujajo produkte, pri katerih se uporablja model PLS (profit and loss share), kjer si banka in komitent delita dobiček ali izgubo pri poslovanju in vsak nosi določeno tveganje pri poslu. To je za banko ter komitenta zelo pomembno, za banko je pomembno zaradi tega, ker ima vpogled v poslovanje in je manjša možnost, da bo komitent financiral ilegalne posle. Za komitenta je takšen model poslovanja tudi ugoden, saj v primeru, ko pridobi kredit in posel ni tako dobičkonosen, ima tudi banka vpogled in se zaveda, da kreditojemalec ni sposoben odplačevati dolga in se z banko lahko dogovorita glede odplačevanja. Za razliko pri tradicionalnem bančništvu komitent pridobi svoj kredit in ga odplačuje ne glede na to, če posluje uspešno ali ne. Za tradicionalno bančništvo je posledično značnilno, da nima vpogleda, če komitent investira sredstva v ilegalne posle.


bančništvo;bančno poslovanje;obresti;islam;islamsko bančništvo;zgodovinski pregledi;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [G. Emini]
UDC: 336.71:28
COBISS: 12632604 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1184
Downloads: 279
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Islamic banking compared to traditional banking
Secondary abstract: Traditional banking (also known as conventional banking) is known as ordinary banking, while Islamic banking is still young and undeveloped in the world. Islamic banking is used mostly in the Muslim countries, such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Pakistan. The Islamic banking occurs in the Europe and the USA, mostly in Germany, the UK, Austria, France, and Denmark. Islamic banks are different from traditional banks according to the principles or so-called the Sharia or Sharia laws, which the entire banking business uses and works by those rules. This principle prohibits any business interests, operating with pork, alcohol, gambling, weapons. Islamic banks offer products, where a model PLS is used PLS (profit and loss share). The bank and the client share the profit or loss from operations, and each carries a certain risk in the transaction. For the bank and the customer, it is very important because it has an insight into the business and less chance that the customer finance illegal operations. For the client, this business model is also favorable, as in case of having obtained the loan in the event where the business is not so profitable. A bank observes and is aware of that the borrower is able to repay and the bank may agree on repayment, which, is different from the traditional banking where if a client gets his loan, it does not matter if the business operates successfully or not. Consequentally, in traditional banking, they do not have access, if a client invests funds in illegal transactions.
Secondary keywords: islamic banking;traditional banking;tax;interest-free bussines;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 33 str.
ID: 9167291