diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študijskega programa
Lidija Pungeršek (Author), Majda Krajnc (Mentor), Petra Žigert Pleteršek (Co-mentor)


V diplomski nalogi smo prikazali, da lahko z uporabo Excela zelo hitro in učinkovito rešujemo različne kemijsko tehniške probleme, s katerimi smo se srečevali skozi celoten študij. Naloga vključuje teoretični in raziskovalni del. V teoretičnem smo opisali različne postopke za reševanje nalog s pomočjo MS Excela 2010. Potek reševanja različnih sklopov nalog smo predstavili na osmih primerih. V prvem primeru smo prikazali postopek reševanja algebrskih enačb z eno neznanko. Pri tem smo v Excelu uporabili orodji Goal Seek (Iskanje cilja) in Solver (Reševalnik). Pri drugi, kemijski nalogi smo prikazali uporabo Goal Seeka in Solverja na enačbi za izračun toplotne kapacitete. Tretji primer naloge je bil reševanje sistemov linearnih enačb. Najprej smo predstavili matematično ozadje reševanja sistema linearnih enačb, v drugi točki smo prikazali postopek reševanja z inverzno matriko, v tretji točki pa še uporabo orodja Solver na istem primeru. V poglavju integralnih enačb smo pri prvi nalogi – izračun toplote za segrevanje plina, za reševanje integralne enačbe uporabili trapezno pravilo in MS Excel. V drugi nalogi tega poglavja – cevni pretočni reaktor, pa smo določili prostornino cevnega pretočnega reaktorja in smo za reševanje integralne enačbe ravno tako uporabili trapezno pravilo in Excel. Pri navadnih diferencialnih enačbah smo matematični kakor tudi kemijski problem rešili z Excelom in uporabo Eulerjeve metode, narisali smo graf in primerjali rezultate po Eulerju z dejanskimi rezultati. V ta namen želimo izpostaviti, da je pomembno znanje uporabe MS Excela za izračun posameznih nalog. Razlog za to so natančneje, hitreje, enostavneje, preglednejše izračunane naloge, ki jih je mogoče shranjevati in pošiljati preko spleta v različne študijske namene, kasneje pa koristno uporabiti tudi pri opravljanju poklica. Tako smo mnenja, da je študij učinkovitejši in nenazadnje razumljivejši z uporabo le-tega.


program MS Excel;programiranje;reševanje problemov;kemijska tehnika;enačbe;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Publisher: [L. Pungeršek]
UDC: 004.4'23:66.02(043.2)
COBISS: 19913494 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1406
Downloads: 144
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The diploma thesis shows that various chemical engineering problems, which one encounters during their studies, may be solved very quickly and efficiently using Excel. The thesis comprises a theoretical and research section. The theoretical part describes various procedures to solve tasks using MS Excel 2010. The course of solving different sets of tasks was presented in eight examples. The first example shows the procedure to solve algebra equations with one unknown using the Goal Seek and Solver tools in Excel. The second, chemical exercise shows the use of Goal Seek and Solver to solve an equation for the calculation of heat capacity. Example 3 dealt with linear equation systems. Firstly, it was shown how to solve an equation system mathematically; secondly, the procedure to solve the equation using an inverse matrix and, thirdly, the use of the Solver tool for the same example. In the chapter dealing with integral equations, the trapezoidal rule and MS Excel were used to solve an integral equation in exercise 1 – calculation of heat for gas heating. Exercise 2 in that chapter, i.e. tubular flow reactor, determines the volume of a tubular flow reactor using the trapezoidal rule and Excel to solve the integral equation. In ordinary differential equations, the mathematical and chemical problems were solved using Excel and the Euler method; a chart was drawn, and the results obtained under Euler were compared with the actual results. To this end, it should be stressed that the knowledge of MS Excel to calculate individual exercises is important. This is because exercises are calculated more accurately, quickly, simply and transparently, and can be saved and sent online for various study purposes and later on used on the job. Therefore, we believe that the use of the program makes studies more effective and ultimately more understandable.
Secondary keywords: program MS Excel;programming;solving problems;chemical engineering;equations;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo
Pages: VIII, 38 str.
ID: 9167498
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