diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija Organizacija dela
Petra Koren (Author), Marko Ferjan (Mentor)


Nenehen tehnološki in gospodarski razvoj prinašata različne oblike naravnih in drugih nesreč, s katerimi se spopadajo prostovoljni gasilci, zato je njihovo delo nevarno in težko. Da gasilci svoje delo opravijo strokovno in profesionalno, potrebujejo pogum, predanost in znanje. Prostovoljni gasilci morajo izpolnjevati določene pogoje, kot sta psihofizična in zdravstvena sposobnost, hkrati pa morajo biti pripravljeni na stalno strokovno izobraževanje in izpopolnjevanje znanja, ki si ga pridobijo na tečajih in drugih oblikah usposabljanja. Diplomsko delo je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. V teoretičnem delu je predstavljena organizacija in pravne osnove gasilstva ter Gasilska zveza Mestne občine Kranj. Osrednja tema teoretičnega dela sloni na predstavitvi organizacije izobraževanja odraslih v izobraževalnem procesu, v katerega so vpeti tudi gasilci ter povezavi z organizacijo izobraževanja, ki jo izvaja Gasilska zveza Mestne občine Kranj. Empirični del diplomske naloge je namenjen predstavitvi rezultatov ankete, ki je bila izvedena po končanem nadaljevalnem tečaju za gasilca na Gasilski zvezi Mestne občine Kranj. Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da so tečajniki zadovoljni z izvedbo tečaja, kot tudi z izbranimi predavatelji, z vsebino učnih snovi, s pripravljenim gradivom, praktičnim delom … Tako lahko sklepamo, da se bodo tečajniki, ki so uspešno zaključili tečaj, tudi v bodoče pripravljeni vključevati v izobraževalni proces. S tem bodo svoje znanje še dodatno nadgrajevali in izpopolnjevali. Na koncu diplomskega dela pa želim na podlagi analize, pridobljene s pomočjo izvedene ankete, predlagati Gasilski zvezi Mestne občine Kranj morebitne rešitve pri nadaljnjem organiziranju in izvajanju izobraževanj.


gasilec;prostovoljno gasilsko društvo;gasilska zveza;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [P. Koren]
UDC: 374
COBISS: 7814931 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1234
Downloads: 64
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Constant technological and economic development bring different forms of natural and other disasters, which volunteer firefighters face, therefore their work is dangerous and difficult. In order for firefighters to perform their work professionally and expertly they need courage, commitment and knowledge. Volunteer firefighters have to meet certain conditions, such as health and psychophysical abilities. At the same time they need to be prepared for constant professional education and training acquired at courses and other forms of trainings. This thesis consists of two parts: theoretical and empirical part. The theoretical part presents the organization and legal basis of firefighting and presentation of Firefighting Association of the Municipality of Kranj. The central topic of the theoretical part is based on the presentation of the organisation of adult education in educational process in which firefighters are embedded and connecting this research with the organisation of trainings conducted by the Firefighting Association of the Municipality of Kranj. The empirical part of the thesis presents the results of the questionnaire, which was carried out after the finished advanced firefighting training at the Firefighting Association of the Municipality of Kranj. The results of the research show that the participants are satisfied with the implementation rate as well as with the selected speakers, learning contents, the prepared study materials, practical work etc. Therefore it can be concluded that the participants, who have successfully concluded the training, will also be willing to participate in the educational process in the future. This will enable them to continue to reward and improve their knowledge. At the end of the thesis I would like to present to the Firefighting Association of the Municipality of Kranj possible solutions for the further organisation and implementation of trainings, which are based on the analysis of the carried-out questionnaire.
Secondary keywords: firefighter;volunteer fire department;firefighting association;training;motivation;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: 70 f.
ID: 9167578
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