magistrsko delo
Nives Podbevšek (Author), Borut Jereb (Mentor)


Živimo v svetu z vedno več nasprotji, hitro spreminjajočimi se trendi ter kroničnim pomanjkanjem časa. Na vsakem koraku se zato srečujemo s tveganji, ki različno vplivajo na naša življenja. Eno izmed področij tveganj je tudi cestni promet. Z njim se po navadi posamezniki srečujemo vsak dan; toda, ali se zavedamo vseh tveganj, ki jih prinaša? Tveganje zaradi onesnaževanja vsekakor predstavlja pomemben del cestnega prometa. Onesnaženje s trdnimi delci PM10 je eden od dejavnikov, ki predstavlja v državah Evropske unije (ter seveda tudi drugje po svetu) velike probleme. Nekatere države ta problem obvladujejo bolj uspešno, druge manj. Kaj pa o tveganjih onesnaževanja z omenjenimi delci meni javnost? V magistrskem delu smo raziskovali vpliv tveganj, povezanih z onesnaževanjem zaradi cestnega prometa, predvsem z onesnaževanjem z delci PM10, na ljudi v Španiji. S pomočjo modela ocenjevanja tveganj smo izračunali stopnjo tveganj za določene javnosti in na podlagi le-tega ocenili, kolikšno tveganje jim predstavlja onesnaževanje z delci PM10.


model za ocenjevanje tveganj;onesnaževanje;delci PM10;cestni promet;tveganja;Španija;logistika;magistrske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FL - Faculty of Logistics
Publisher: [N. Podbevšek]
UDC: 504.5
COBISS: 512800317 Link will open in a new window
Views: 796
Downloads: 113
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Risk assesment model of pollution from road traffic in Spain
Secondary abstract: We live in a world with an increasing number of contrasting, rapidly changing trends and a chronic lack of time. Therefore, the risks we face in our everyday life can have different impacts on us. One of these risks is exposure to road traffic. We are faced with it every day, but are we aware of all the risks that road traffic can bring us? One of the important factors of road traffic is pollution. Particulate matter PM10 pollution is one part of it and it presents a big problem in the countries of European Union (and of course, the rest of the world). But, what people think about this pollution and the risks connected with it? In this thesis, we have studied the impact of risks on people who are related to pollution of road traffic in Spain, in particular, pollution coming from particulate matter PM10. Using the model of risk assessment, we’ve calculated the rate of risks for certain public. On this basis, therefore we’ve evaluated, what exposed people feel towards the risks due to PM10 pollution.
Secondary keywords: risk assessment model;pollution;PM10 particles;road traffic;risks;Spain;logistics;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za logistiko
Pages: XIII, 115 str., [1] str. pril.
ID: 9168031
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